The Fourth Time.

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- A man shouldn't let his guard down, let anyone see the vulnerable state he might be in at the moment, or let the woman next to him do any nice or sweet little things, like bringing a gift, flowers, and being taken on a date, not the other way around like it should be.

All of this nonsense was being told to me by my father at the age of five, and well you know even more than that. Ewya- I knew how 'children were made' at the age of seven, he went on and told me how to protect myself and what to do and what to not, like I was going to do anything like that when I barely knew how to talk and play with other kids,

I don't have the perfectly loving life that people say I do, that the 'son of the chief is the happiest na'vi in this village' which is not true, yeah I might not be poor or well be badly treated publicly, but at home? that's something else, and I don't deny it, my father is the best chief I ever met, the kindest person, and such a nice man to be around yet I think he's the worst father a child could ever have,

I used to look up to him, to adore his steps and everything he teached me, but as time went on I looked at other kids playing with their fathers outside, I remembered Rotxo's father coming and picking him up from training while I had to walk by myself, by the age of six, when outside was almost midnight.

Every time I had to spend time helping my dad with tasks instead of living my childhood, every time he screamed at me even tho he never hit me, Mom did that instead, because she grew like that, being punched and hit when she did anything wrong and as a na'vi  being I understand her, I feel bad for her but as a son I manage to reflect the hate I have deep inside for her to me, over and over and over and over again,

I want to hit myself instead of hitting her, I reflect my anger on myself and then her, even tho it doesn't always work, but the worst ever feeling is that she hits me sometimes too, that makes me feel like she sees me just the way I see myself.

And I don't want anyone to look at me in that way, in the way I look at myself, that's sometimes my worst fear, that I don't share with anyone,

And I will never ever do.

But after all, since I met Neteyam I felt some of that rage and anger inside of me fade because he gave me the love I never received from my parents, not even from myself. He gave me freedom and a warm hug and something I thought I wouldn't ever need that I am strong enough to live without it, He gave me a smile on my face that I will never let go, and I hope he won't either,

I finally rushed to my cabin, I was already late but my hair was messy and I had to wash my teeth before going to my first-ever date, I couldn't just go there looking like a piece of shit! I quickly went inside and as I put my hand on the bathroom doorknob, I heard a voice.

" I'll come out in a second! " I heard my sister, my face bruhed, " Come quickly, please! " I added back, semi-panicked and by that sound she came even faster, opening the door and looking confused at me as she sat on the side, I sprinted inside, " What's this hurry with ya' anyway-? " She asked me as I went inside without closing the door and undid my bun the dark curly hair dropping on my shoulders I looked fast for my toothbrush as Reya looked at me weirdly,

" Aonung- " She said again as I looked from the side spitting out the water from my mouth, " Yeah? " I said back she tilted her head to the side and asked me once again with kind of a bored tone, " What's the hurry? Another important meeting with, father or? " She asked me as I nodded a quick no as I brushed my hair and quickly did a bun up perfectly taking me extra time,

" Then? " She asked me as I sighed and finally did my bun as I wanted to fix my necklace looking very concentrated, I didn't answer Reya, she asked me once again, " Aonung! " She added loudly as I jumped for a second there, " Yeah, Yeah! " I said back now looking at her as she lay by the door frame of the bathroom,

" Where are you going? " She asked, I sighed taking one more look in the mirror, Should I lie? Or not, I don't even know, " So? " she asked.

" I- um, To meet Rotxo," I said, not sure if I should lie or not about the date because it wasn't like I was gonna tell her with whom I was going, " With Rotxo? and all this- " She pointed at me to my feet and my head, " Just to meet with you're best friend? " She added looking at me sussy,

" Mhm! " I added passing by her slowly and then rushing to the front door leaving Reya looking extra confused, " Ao! Wait! " She added a bit surprised by my speed probably as I opened the door and closed it behind me as I went rushing to the coconut area already super, mega late!

The sand was burning my feet and I don't even know if it was already burning from the sun or my feet were making it that hot, either way, my feet stung me by the time I finally got to the coconut area.

As I got there, I expected maybe a blanket on the ground or some food around or well at least Neteyam just being there waiting for me ready to jump in my arms, would be awesome, But there was no one there already, and at first, I was relieved, I wasn't late for my first ever date that made me happy for some reason and sat down on some rock waiting for my beautiful most gorgeous boyfriend,

And I waited, another 30 minutes more the second time, I was a bit worried, that maybe something happened and he had to be late even more, maybe he got himself with another task by accident like it happened before, maybe something happened with Tuk, maybe, maybe, maybe-

Then it already has been another 50 minutes on top of those 30, I was already up on my feet going around the small rocks placed there, even more worried but at the same time, I felt sad and maybe a very bitty-pitty angry, where was he and what the hell happened that made him late that much?

The third time, I was down on some rock sitting and looking at the opening view where someone could enter, It passed another 20 minutes by now but nothing in view, the sun wasn't as bright anymore, the sand was cold and I felt lonely.

Another 35 minutes passed, Nothing in view as I sighed heavily and placed myself on the floor, my but down on the cold sand,

Another 40 minutes.

Nothing, I was still down getting cold the sun looking a muddy color, I was pretty cold but maybe that was because I was sitting down, but I was too lazy and probably a bit too sad to get up, he should be here right? maybe he got the time we talked wrong he could be here any minutes I can't just leave like that,

Another 60 minutes passed, I finally got up after a while sitting on a rock and hunger started to hit me so I managed to grab myself a random coconut from the tree behind me and ate it in like ten minutes or something.

The fourth time, the sun was going down, almost dinner time two or three more hours later to be honest I lost track of the time, but the sun was almost out, I became even more hungry and I was too tired to get another coconut, I looked down at my yellow elastic, my eyes lost a bit of it's light as the sun was no longer out, the whole view looked depressing around me,

After another 15 minutes, the sun was fully gone as the early night began, just a few minutes away from dinner time, I got up being extremely cold now I took a deep sigh in and out and moved myself so I was facing the ocean and started to walk towards it.

As my feet hit the cold but way warmer water than the sand I sat on for some time, I jumped right in when I felt my waterline fill,

He forgot about it.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now