Chapter One

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I glanced down at the hard rocky floor as different emotions hit me. At that moment I was feeling worthless and stupid for not being able to complete the mission safely. I couldn't believe that after all that hard work, after everything that we had been through that something like that would happen. Anger boiled in me waiting to explode at any given time.

The kage looked at me as he meet my icy cold eyes before looking at the rest of my time. "Where is your Sensei?" He demanded making me feeling even worse then I did moments before at how we failed, no at how I failed.

I stood up straighter and looked at him. "He's.." I started before stopping. I still couldn't believe what happened. I still couldn't believe that we had got ambushed. "He's gone." I whispered as I looked at the ground ashamed.

I could feel the rage that drifted off of the Kage. "What do you mean he is gone!" He shouted slamming a hand onto his desk as I felt his eyes bore into me.

I glanced at my team that was standing behind me as he yelled watching as they flinched from him and took a step back in fear. I glared back at the ground hating this moment even more. It seemed that even being a ninja that my luck hasn't changed any. What was the point in being a ninja if we couldn't even face the Kage of our village.

Knowing that I was the one to blame I looked back up. "Don't yell at them." I spoke darkly in a low tone. "It's my fault that he's gone. We got ambushed by a couple of bandit's." I said telling him the story that we had gone over many times before entering the office. "It was my job to keep an eye out for them while we was taking a short break and I failed at doing that. I got distracted by something else." My tone implied that it was the truth and that we wasn't hiding anything.

I may hate my team and want to kill them but I wasn't willing to let them get punishment for something that they couldn't help. It wasn't their fault that they was weak and didn't know how to fight or keep watch. So I decided to take the fall knowing that he would most likely take it easy on me then the other two.

He took my words into account before nodding his head like he figured out what he was going to do. "You two are dismissed." He said signaling to my two teammates to leave the office so that he could talk to me alone.

I listened to their footsteps as they walked out of the office leaving me behind to face him alone. I didn't bother to spare either one a look knowing that I would most likely say something to them that would only get me into more trouble. Instead I wiped the emotions off my face not wanting to appear weak and hide the boiling anger that I felt as I stood ready for the punishment that he would give me.

"You know that this means punishment right." He said speaking slowly. "And that we have to find your Sensei."

"Of course I do." I said in a bored voice as I glanced at him waiting for him to continue. "Can we get this over with already. I have thing's to do." I said knowing that once I was done here I would go train harder than before so that something like that would never happen again with the team that I was on.

I watched as the Kage smirked at me with his old wrinkly face. "Very well then I'll tell you your punishment. You're not allowed to go on any missions or train for two weeks. In them two weeks you will be coming here each day and do paperwork that needs finished or filling out." I clinched my teeth together as I kept my face neutral knowing that he was waiting for some sort of reaction out of me.

"Along with that I want a 300 page report on what happened and how you could have changed it along with other possible outcomes that could have happened. And I'm going to have someone watching you every single day at all times to make sure that you aren't doing something that you're not suppose to." He said finishing telling me my punishment.

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