Chapter Four

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Celia POV

I hated Mia with so much that I just wanted to kill the other girl. What she had done today she shouldn't have. Now we are being punished along with the girl because she decided that the best move would be attacking our new Sensei who had seen it coming and had only made a clone of himself to avoid the attack.

She went to far but I couldn't say anything about it. In fear that if I did then Mia would just put a sword through my back like she had tried to do to our Sensei. She had a thing for stabbing people in their backs.

"This is stupid." I complained as I was running next to Yukio. "I can't believe that she tried to stab him." I said glaring into the girl's back that was only a little ways in front of us

We had to run 100 laps and then do 50 push ups because of the girl. I had just bought my new shoes and didn't think that I would have them getting dirty so soon. Not only that but the girl was taking the time that I had with Yukio away.

"Chill out Celia, will you." Yuki said as gave me a glance that I didn't understand.

I bite my lip in anger stopping the comment that I wanted to say to him. He always seemed to side with her and somehow make me out to be the bad guy. I was his girlfriend not her. I knew that he liked her when they was little but I didn't think that he still did now that I was his girlfriend.

"But we have to run 100 laps and do 50 push ups because of her. And we still have to fight each other after all of that." I complained wanting him to agree with him for once.

"I know Celia." He said as it sounded like he was running out of breath. "But she's our teammate to okay." I rolled my eyes as I picked up speed so that I wasn't beside him anymore.

If he wanted to side with the girl that as the cause of this then I didn't want to be around him at the moment. I only wanted to get this done and over with because then I would battle her and who everyone that Mia wasn't as strong as she thought she was. That she was really only a weak and pathetic girl. They would see that when she lost to me.

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