Chapter Twenty-Six

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Mia's POV

Time seemed to slow down for me. I felt my energy leave me, along with all my chakra. I had disappeared into the ground to avoid her attack but it was my own that started to affect me. It felt like my soul was being ripped from my body.

I found it hard to keep control of the jutsu. I had to keep it in control so that it would work. I had mixed my chakra into the jutsu to take control of her blood and make it boil. I knew that this move would kill her if I kept ahold of it for to long but I wasn't strong enough to hold it long enough, let alone control it.

A scream escaped from my lips as I felt the effects. As I felt the jutsu affect my own body. This was the cost of using it when you wasn't strong enough. I only knew this move because of my clan. Because my father told me about all the forbidden jutsus that we could do that was above chunin level only I had to be that strong to have any control over them.

Most of them wasn't in text books or scrolls. We had to learn them from the olders that lived longer than us kids. My father had told me to never use this one forbidden move, no matter what happened. But I had to win this. I had to win this so that I could get the revenge that my clan, my family needed.

I stared at the ceiling out of energy and chakra as I stopped the jutsu. I watched as the dust cleared and it was silent all around me. I knew that they was waiting for someone to get up or do something.

"Make it stop!" I hear Celia scream. "Make it stop!"

I frowned to myself wondering what she was going on about. The dust was completely cleared by then showing everyone that me and Celia wasn't even close to each other. I managed to push myself up from the ground somehow. I had stopped the jutsu or I had thought I did.

"Celia!" I looked up to Yukio as he called out her name before he looked at me. "What did you do to Celia, you freak." I heard him shout.

I watched as our Sensei had stopped him from jumping down. I turned back to the girl as I forced myself to slowly walk towards her. I didn't really want her to die or at least not at that moment. I shouldn't have used that moved like I had.

"Don't go near her! Don't go near Celia." Yukio shouted at me.

I stopped walking, as I tilted my head to the side. I could hear her scream some more from the pain. Then it just stopped, it just became silent. I knew that something was wrong then.

I watched her body to see if it was moving at all but found that it wasn't. She looked dead. I could hear Yukio continue yelling her name after a minute of complete silence.

"The match goes to.." The protector finally started to say as the shock disappeared.

"No!" Yukio yelled as he jumped down to the floor where we was at.

I turned my head glaring at Yukio. "The match is over." I growled out as I wanted nothing more then to rest.

"I don't care, you killed her!" He screamed at me.

I shrugged at him. "She might not be dead." I said simply.

"Liar, you killed her because she was a threat to you and your power. You was afraid that she would become stronger than you. They was right, you did attack us. You did try to kill us." He shouted out in pure anger at me.

"That's enough." The protector shouted stepping in. "The winner is Mia Konaichi." He said before walking over to Celia body.

I turned my back as I headed towards the stairs slowly. I felt weak, and tired wanting nothing more than to fall down and go to sleep. I knew that I had to at least get out of the arena before I could allow myself to relax.

"I won't let you win." Yukio screamed from behind me.

I turned around just as he brought his axe down on me. I didn't have time to block it, let alone have enough energy to. I heard people yell no as he moved towards me to attack.

I knew that this was it. That he was going to try to kill me, even after I had saved him. All because he believed that I tried to kill his girlfriend on purpose.

I could see the look in his eyes. His eyes hold that of hatred. A look and feeling that I grew use to because I felt the same away about the man that killed my family. That ruined my life when I was only 9 years old.

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