Chapter Five

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Kage POV

I wonder if I had made the right decision in giving that team to him. Even though we still haven't been able to find their old Sensei and the story that was told didn't go along with what the Jouin that I sent out found. I was still having my doubts about putting that one with the three knowing that it might just make it worse for them then before.

I sighed feeling old in my eyes. Why couldn't this just be easy, I thought as I looked at the pile of paperwork that filled my desk along with the thoughts of the Genin and their new Sensei.

He had only been in the village for four years. The only thing that we know about him is that he is called Rock other then that I haven't been able to find anything out about him and he hasn't said anything else. He had arrived shortly before the destruction of a very important clan that use to live in this village, with only one soul survivor, Mia Konaichi.

I had thought that putting her with Yukio Fudomekimo, who seemed to be good at keeping the girl calm and making quick plans for battle seemed like a good idea. Not only that he was good with earth justu and the battle axe that he carried around with him along with the fact that he came from a clan that was once close to Mia's. Next I put her with Celia Akahoshi who seemed to not have really been good at anything but using her fans for wind style justus but she appeared to have once been close with Mia.

The three of them use to be best friends but after Mia clan was destroyed it changed her. I thought it would be best to put her with two people she used to be great friends with instead of two of the other 6 that had passed with them. The other six being Kaede Arai, Sora Minobe, Umi Saitou, Miki Tanaka, Naoko Kyoyama, and Shou Akutabi.  

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