Chapter Twenty-Three

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Mia's POV

I found myself two days later standing in line with my suppose to be teammates. We was getting told what the third exam was going to be. By the look of things we was going to have to fight each other and the winner got to move on officially.

I sighed to myself wondering who I was going to get to fight. I hoped that it would be that Neji boy that I hadn't seen for two days. I wanted to know what was wrong with me and thought by fighting him it would help.

"Will Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi Akado, please come to the middle of the battle field." I looked up to see a boy with black hair walk forward. I knew him as Sasuke Uchiha and felt a deep hatred for him.

I walked up a set of stairs and came to a balcony that overlook the battle area below. I was standing off to the side by myself, while the man that I knew as my Sensei stood with my team further down away from me. I chose to ignore them as I watched the Uchiha that I felt hatred for, trying to figure the boy out.

All of us, from my village, had made it through the exams somehow. All nine of us had made it. That left 30 people in total at the end of the second exam, but one dropped out. That left us with the odd number of 29 left, still meaning a lot of battles ahead.

Miki POV

I was glad that it wasn't me who was called to fight. We had just barely managed to get back to the tower in time. Shou and Naoko stood beside me as we watched the fight that was happening.

I couldn't remember what happened in the forest. I knew that something bad had happened but I couldn't remember what it was. I only knew that something had happened to my two teammates but they stood beside me like nothing did.

I had a bad feeling in my gut that I was missing something. I looked over to Mia as I heard what had happened. I knew that she didn't attack her team. I knew that Mia wouldn't do something like that, even after what happened to her clan.

Why couldn't everyone just get along.

Yuiko POV

I couldn't remember what had happened. I had just woken up and I still couldn't remember what happened to me. I didn't know if Mia had really attacked us or not. My gut was telling me that she wouldn't do such a thing but could I believe my gut without memories.

I looked down at her to see she was standing by herself. She looked so lonely standing there by herself. I wish that I could remember what happened in the forest. I wish I could help out Mia, keep her from the pain that she was feeling.

I looked at Celia wondering if maybe she was lying about everything that happened. But I couldn't be sure with them pieces of my memory missing. I couldn't be sure about anything.


I sighed to myself as I watched the fight, which was moving at a fast pace. I watched as Sasuke, the boy I felt a deep hatred for, was fighting someone who looked to be in a far better condition than him. I knew though that the Uchiha would still be the winner.

At the sound of footsteps coming my way I looked to see who it was. I felt surprised to see that it was Neji and couldn't help but wonder what he wanted. I couldn't find myself in the mood to deal with him.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him hoping that the boy would turn around and walk away.

"We can't stop our destiny." He said as he stopped beside me and stared at the fight that was happening.

"That doesn't mean that we can't try to. I'm going to revenge my clan from the two people who killed them." I said glaring out in front of me. "Why did you come over here if you was just going to say that." I demanded of him as I turned glaring at him, hating the unknown emotions that I was feeling.

He was quiet for a second. "I don't know." He finally said.

I smirked as I turned back in time to see the fight end. "Then why aren't you leaving?" I asked him wondering what had brought the boy to come and talk to me.

"You're a waste of my time." I heard him say as he got ready to walk away.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as he said that but ignored it, as I reached a hand out and grabbing his arm. "Don't go just yet. I want to ask you a few things." I said looking back at the Uchiha who had won the fought.

"What do you want to know?" I could hear the annoyance in his cold tone making me smirk even more.

"Who is Sasuke Uchiha?" I asked wanting to learn more about the boy that couldn't be any older than me.

"Why do you want to know who he is?" Neji asked as he stayed standing beside me.

"Because his brother killed my clan." I said with a dark tone as the next match started.

Akahoshi Celia VS Tanaka Miki

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