Chapter Fourty-Two

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Hokage POV

The fights had just came to a closing. The remaining genin knew who they would be fighting against. I watched as each team left with each other but one girl. I notice how she waited until her team and everyone from her village left before she did.

I had learned that her teammate was on touch and go. The medics didn't know if they would be able to save her or not but they was going to try to do everything that they could. I knew that Mia's Sensei wouldn't help with her training for the next month.

"Will you tell Rock, from the village of stone, that I would like to have word with him."I asked a jounin that was standing close to me.

He nodded his at me before disappearing. I got up and started towards the exit. I managed to make it outside when the person I asked for showed up. I had thought he would have waited a little longer.

"What can I do for you?" He asked clearly confused why I would want to talk to him.

"I know that you are from a different village, that I shouldn't get into your affairs but I was wondering what you was going to do about Mia and her training?" I asked him as we walked down the street.

"I haven't thought about that yet. She's to dangerous to just walk around and be able to do whatever she pleases. I was going to come to you, to see if you would help me keep a watch on her. I also didn't plan on training her now that I think about it." He answered in a cold tone as he thought about the girl.

I could tell that he didn't like his student very much. I wondered why he didn't plan on training the girl when it looked like she needed the training to keep herself under control. I knew that I couldn't tell him what to do with his student.

"I'll see if I can find someone to do it but we are busy as well. I would have to make sure it's fine as well with your Kage." I told him.

"That's fine." He said before disappearing.


I was sitting in my office looking at a pile of paperwork while smoking out of my pope when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." I said looking up to see that it was Mia.

"What can I do for you?" I asked her.

I watched as the girl sighed before looking at the ground with a hard face. "This is out of place but I was wondering if I could move here before the end of the month and join your village." She said making me surprised at her request.

"Why would you want to do that child?" I asked as I studied her.

"Because my village won't take me back and they already think I'm a freak." She said making me look at her with pity.

"Why won't they take you back?" I asked again.

"Because I killed, Celia, plus my Sensei believes that I attacked my own teammates." She answered.

"Did you attack your team?" I asked wanting to know everything that I could about the girl before I gave her an answer.

"If I did, why would I take them to the tower to get help. WOuldn't I have just finished the job inside of the forest." She asked coldly.

I could tell that she thought I didn't believe her. "Very well you can move here if that's what you want. Get some things together you're going to need to go back to your village and talk to your Kage about it. I'll send someone with you incase he does agree." I said allowing the girl to enter my village knowing that there was no law against it.

"Thank you." I smiled as she left the room. I knew that we would be very lucky to have her.

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