Chapter Twenty-Two

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Mia's POV

I was walking down the hallway with two guards, one of them being my own Sensei, and the other was wearing a mask. My hands was tied together in front of me incase I had really tried to attack my team and incase I tried to do it again. My Sensei really believed that I had attacked them and somehow convinced the Hokage of this village that I should be tied up until the third and finally exam.

I was being lead to a room where I was suppose to remain for the next two days. I was told that I wasn't allowed to leave the room until the day of the exam, just in case me and Celia ran across each other. My Sensei just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't try to harm her.

I knew that I wasn't lying. I had told my Sensei the truth as they lead Celia away from the room first. I wasn't lying but he didn't believe me.

"This isn't fair." I said stopping in the middle of the hallway and in front of a door that lead to a room that had some people in it.

"Keep walking." Rock Sensei said as he stopped walking as well waiting for me to continue.

I felt anger course through my body as my tail and ears twitched in annoyance. "Then tell me why you don't believe me! Tell me why you think I was the one to attack my own team when I had brought Yukio back to the tower to get him help." I found myself shouting getting tired of playing games.

"Shut up Mia." My Sensei growled as he walked towards me before making me turn around and push me forward.

I moved my body away from his as I brought a knee up to where he had been seconds before. "DO..NOT...TOUCH...ME!" I growled out in anger noticing that my other guard was standing a little ways down the hallway. "I just want to know why you're treating me like I had killed my own teammate!" I shouted.

"That's because you did." Another voice answered making my look at her with narrowed eyes.

I hadn't realized that she was in the room with others. "Really who did I kill?" I questioned with a smirk on my face. "Last I heard Yukio was alive because of me. I wasn't acting like a weak pathetic girl when we got attacked. I didn't hide behind my boyfriend because I got to scared to fight and I didn't try to kill the person who was saving my teammate." My smirk widen when I notice the anger clear on her face.

"I'll kill you!" She shouted at she moved towards me to attack.

Before she could reach me our Sensei appeared in the middle as he put his hands out stopping her from coming any closer and acting like I was moving to go closer. "That's enough both of you." He ordered the two of us. "Stop acting like little kids."

"We should just kill her. She doesn't deserve to live." Celia hissed glaring at me.

I noticed that he didn't say anything about what she said. I knew that I wasn't wanted on this team. He made it clear often enough. Yukio was the only one that acted like I was a part of it and I knew that was only because of the past.

I was tired of my team and village, with the way that they treated me. I had learned the hard way what it was like to lose everyone I had ever loved or cared for, all at once. To be the only survivor of it. I lived with the pain and hate each day.

"Please as if you could kill me. I'm done wasting my time on someone who doesn't deserve it. Take me to my room, I rather stay there then be around someone so pathetic." I said as I walked away from my Sensei and Celia, towards the masked ninja that watched the whole exchange.

I followed him once again letting out a sigh. I hated the emotions that I was feeling because it meant I wasn't as cold as I needed to be. It wasn't that far down the hall that we came to a stop again in front of a closed door. He opened it to show me a bed inside and a window that was facing outside somewhere.

'At least I can look outside,'I thought to myself as I walked into the room.

I walked over to the window to look out it. I heard the door close from behind me, alerting me that I was now completely alone. I knew that they would still be watching me but for the moment I was all alone. I didn't plan on doing anything at the moment.

I looked out the window and towards the ground spotting a boy that looked to be only a little older then me. I felt a twist in my stomach as the world around me slowed down confusing me. Different emotions that I didn't understand filled me as I stared at this boy.

He was dressed in a short sleeved tan shirt and dark blue cargo shorts. It looked like his right arm and leg had bandages on them. I also notice the leaf headband that was wrapped around his forehead and that he had long brown hair.

Without thinking about it I opened the window and jumped to the ground, landing in front of him. I looked into his eyes that seemed to be white. It reminded me of a blind person.

"Are you blind?" I asked him as I tilted my head to the side.

"No you idiot, it's from my clan." His tone was cold and hard, like he thought he was better then me.

"Mia!" I heard my name get shouted, making me look up to the window that I had jumped from to see my Sensei standing there.

"So what's your name?" I asked looking back at the boy, as I chose to ignore my sensei.

"I'm Hyuga Neji." I smirked as I got a reply from him.

"Konaichi Mia." I said giving him my name, not caring if he wanted it or not.

I found myself interested in the boy for some reason. Looking at him made me feel funny inside and I wanted to know what that feeling was. Plus with being so close to him my stomach twisted even more making me that much more confused.

"Aren't you that girl that they think tried to kill her own team?" His question surprised me before I realized that Celia would of had enough time by now to tell everyone her side of the story.

"Yup that's me." I answered as I kept my smirk. "But, just between you and me, I didn't really try to kill them. I wanted to save them." I said giving the boy a wink.

I felt myself get grabbed from behind, by the back of my clothing. I turned my head to see a very angry looking Sensei. I narrowed my eyes at him as I tried to tug myself free of his hold.

"Let me go." I demanded, not happy that he came and interrupted my conversation.

"No, you're coming back with me to your room. This time I'm going to make sure that you stay init and not leave." He said as he started to pull me away from the person I was trying to get to know.

I tried to struggle against him but found that it was useless as he just continued to drag me away. I had a feeling that it was going to be a long two days.

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