Chapter Thirty-Six

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Yukio POV (Flashback)

I was sitting beside Mia on a set of swings. I watched her as she laughed about something. She seemed to always be happy. I could tell she was glowing with happiness.

"Mia what are you laughing at?" I asked her looking at her with my dark blue eyes. "It's strange you know." I told her hiding my smile.

Mia was my best friend. The only friend that I was really close to. It might have been because we are always with each other or because we known each other sense we known each others when we was only babies.

I knew that our families was talking about having us getting married when we was of age. Our parents saw how close we had became with each other and thought that it was a good idea. That and her family believed that I would be a really strong ninja one day and be strong enough to protect her.

"Oh I was just thinking about something my parents told me today." She said as she started to kick the ground to make herself go higher on the swing.

I looked at her confused wondering what her parents could have told her to make her still laugh to this point. "What did they tell you?" I asked curiose.

"Oh that they planned to marry up when we get older." She told me with that bright smile of hers. "Isn't that funny? They think that I would marry my best friend." She said making me feel sad inside.

"Oh." I mumbled looking down at the ground with sad eyes.

I knew that she was my best friend and had thought that because we was best friends that we would marry each other. That we would be together forever and never leave the other person. I was willing to wait though for the day that she realizes that we are meant for each other.


"Yukio!" I heard my name being called from behind me.

It had been two weeks sense that day. I looked to see Celia was running towards me for some reason. Mia started having me and her hang out together more and more, which I didn't get. I only needed one best friend and I already had her.

"What do you want Celia?" I asked looking at her.

Celia was panting as she reached me with tears running down her face. "It's Mia, something happened to her." She said making my heart break and fear spread through me.

"What do you mean? What happened to my Mia?" I demanded wondering what Celia was talking about.

Mia couldn't be in danger. The girl had to be fine. I didn't think anything could hurt Mia or her clan.

"Her clan was murdered. She's the only one alive. She's at the hospital." Celia said looking at me with big eyes.

I turned and started to run towards the hospital. This couldn't be happening. Things was going so good before, so why did this have to happen.

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