Chapter Forty-Four

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I had gone and talked to the Hokage of the village, wanting to know if I could join it even if we was in the middle of an exam. I was surprised that he agreed to it so easily. I knew that the Kage back home wouldn't care if I left his village as long as I didn't give any secrets of his away.

I walked out of the building and down the street. I knew that all I had to do was go talk to my 'Sensei' about it and getting my bag of supplies. Then I would go to the gates and meet the person who was suppose to escort me to my village.

I let out another sigh as I made my way back to the room that I had been sharing. I hadn't seen anyone from my village for a while by that point. I figured that they was all out eating or doing something together.

I figured if I didn't see my 'Sensei' by the time that I made it back to my room that I would just leave a note for him, telling him what I was doing. It's not like my 'Sensei' would really care or not about what happened to me anyways. I knew that he didn't like me.

I was grateful that they had stopped Yukio from killing me. I grabbed my bag from the room and changed my clothing while I was at it. I soon finished the note and left the building as I throw my black bag over my shoulder.

On my way to the gates I saw Neji. I smiled a small smile wondering what he was doing. THat strange feeling that I couldn't explain came back.

"Neji!"I shouted causing the boy to look back at me.

I had expected him to look at me with disgust or hatefulness but found myself surprised when he didn't. His eyes didn't show any signs of them emotions that I grew us to people having when it came to looking at me. I walked up to him, seeing that he was also wearing a bag. I knew that he must be getting ready to go train as he made it to the finals as well.

"Mia." He said in greeting.

"I wanted to say bye before I left. I didn't know when I would get back to see you again."I said as we started to walk together towards the gates.

"Why did you do such a wasteful thing like that. Shouldn't you focus on training and getting stronger." I heard him say.

I chuckled finding myself being able to act like my old self around him for some reason. "It's not wasteful to say goodbye to someone that you grow to be friends with. Besides I'll have plenty of time to train later."I replied coolly. "Are you going to go train then? Is that why you have a bag?" I asked him.

"What's with all your questions." He mumbled. "No I have a mission that I'm going on." He answered indifferently.

"Oh really what type?" I asked curiously what mission he could be taking, making him give me a strange look.

"I'm not suppose to tell you. You are from another village." He said in his, 'I'm smarter than you and better then you', voice.

I threw a glare at him. "Find I didn't care anyways." I mumbled out as I looked forward and away from him. I could hear Neji chuckle at that.

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