Chapter Forty-Six

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I turned smirking at Neji as I found out that the mission he was going on was to escort me. Take that mister, oh I won't tell you the mission. I had found out that it was suppose to be Neji, his female teammate Tenten, along with their Sensei Guy, who I didn't like as he was to loud.

"Follow me and the power of youth." Guy shouted as he started to lead us out of the village.

I looked at him as I sweatdropped. "Wait, what?"I asked confused.

"Come now, let's not waste all of your youthfulness now! You are so young and blooming with it!" He shouted creeping me out.

I just stared at him before looking at the other two who didn't seem to be affected by him. I waited for one of them to tell me that he was joking. Sadly neither did and I got a depressed look on my face.

"Great I'm stucky with a crazy jounin, a smart ass and another girl." I mumbled to myself wondering how things could get any worse.

I followed after him more slowly, hoping that if anyone was to see the group they wouldn't think that I was with him. He had bushy eyebrows that looked like they was alive. A shiver ran down my back even thinking about them eyebrows.


"The power of Youth will give us strength!"

I was about to murder him if he said something about being youthful or any word that had the word youth in it. It might not have been very long since we left the village but I was already regretting letting the Hokage let someone escort me. He was the only one talking out of everyone, as I didn't bother to talk to Neji or Tenten.

I was stilling trying to figure out that weird feeling that I got around him. At that moment we was walking down a dirt path as the sun loomed overhead. I felt something watching me, making me walk faster so that I caught up to the group.

"Someone's following us." I said as I caught up to Neji and Tenten as I looked around.

I watched as something happened to Neji's eyes, change them. I knew that it must've been his Kekkai Genkai. I still wasn't able to learn what it was.

"There's 5 of them."Neji said finally.

"What are we going to do."I asked worried. It hasn't been that long since us three genin had fought, only a couple of hours.

"Act like they aren't there until they attack."Tenten said.

I sighed feeling a headache form. I couldn't believe that we was being followed by a group of 5 shinobi and they wasn't going to do anything about it until we got attacked. I really already hated this day as it continued.


We started to finally make camp as the sun was sitting. The group still didn't attack us and seemed to have fallen back farther. I figured that they was after one of us, I just didn't know who they would want. I didn't think they would be after me so that just left the other three.

I didn't know the group that was escorting me well enough to be able to tell if it would be one of them that they was after. I sighed as I helped set the tents up. I was finally on the one that I would be sleeping in, while Tenten would be sleeping in one beside me and on the other side of the fire was Neji's and Guys.

I looked around noticing that it was getting darker, much darker than usually.

"We should get to your village by tomorrow."Tenten finally said.

"Ya that would be good."I replied, not really listening to the conversation as I answered.

I was sitting on a log staring at the fire that was in front of me. I sighed to myself, wondering what I was doing. I was suppose to get revenge and knew that by joining the village it would give me a better chance at getting it but I felt something for the village. I had thought I had my emotions under control but after meeting so many of the leaf shinobi and losing my first real Sensei, I just couldn't seem to keep my emotions under control.

I didn't want to feel again, I didn't want my emotions to come back because that meant feeling the pain and sadness that came with it. And after meeting Neji, nothing started to make sense to me anymore. I didn't understand anything about me by that point anymore.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts and making me pulling a kunai out and aim it at the person only for it to be blocked. I looked around noticing that it wasn't an attack, just Neji. I notice that the others must have went to bed by that point.

"You should go rest some." He told me finally making sure that I wasn't about to attack again.

"I can't."I said as I looked back at the fire. "I haven't been able to sleep after my clan was murdered. I use to have a brother that was younger then me." I continued feeling him sit next to me, taking the spot that Tenten had sat a while before. "I was nine years old when my family was taken from me." I said feeling that pain that I didn't want to feel.

"Go to sleep Neji. I can watch the camp for the night. I'll wake someone up if I don't think I'll be able to do it alone." I finally said as we sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

"I'm on a mission. I won't sleep until someone else wakes up to take my spot. We are escorting you." He answered making me sigh as I looked at him.

"Fine have it your way." I replied knowing that I wouldn't be able to change his mind and I would have to deal with him for the next couple of hours.


I didn't know how long passed but it was long enough for the attack to happen. I had been sitting alone staring at the fire when the 5 shinobi appeared surrounding me. Neji had left a few minutes before saying something about a bathroom break.

I stood up as I put an hand onto my sword knowing that I would be using it. "What do you want."I demanded as I notice that I was completely surrounded meaning that it would be harder to defend myself.

"We came to get Mia Konaichi. Hand the girl over and no one get's hurt." One of them demanded making me swallow.

Their faces was hidden behind masks making it impossible for me to tell what they looked like. I couldn't believe that they was after me. They should already know what I looked like if they was looking for me.

"Why would I do that." I asked smirking at them.

"Are you her?" Another demanded noticing the tone in my voice.

"Why don't' you find out." I growled out pulling out my swords and holding them in front of me.

"Your be coming with us." Another said making me wonder which was the leader.

"Like hell I'll go with you." I growled out as I made the first move.

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