Chapter Three

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Two weeks, I thought to myself. It's been two long weeks and I still haven't found a way to train or the time to even try to find a way. No matter what I did or tried to do he only piled the paper work on me which made things much harder.

I was on my way to the Kage office once again only this time I wasn't alone. I had both of my teammates with me. We had meet outside of the ramen stand in town seeing as we couldn't meet at the training ground where I would normally be.

He had wanted to talk to us about something together as a team instead of alone. I was hoping that my two weeks had finally passed so that I could go back to training. I wonder if he found our missing Sensei.

I opened the door as I marched in first with a bored look on my face. I stopped in front of the office desk with the other two a step behind me. I had glanced around the room as we entered it and notice that there was two other ninja in their with the Hokage. They had vests on that revealed that they was Jouin but from the spot that I stopped at I could only see one of them from my view.

"I called you three here so that I could give you a new Sensei." The Kage started saying as he looked at the three of us. "This is Rock your new Sensei." He said pointing to the ninja that was leaning against the far wall and out of my view. I didn't bother turning to look at him having already seen what he looked like when I entered.

I yawned slightly as he started his speech. "Now that you have your new Sensei you're going to be training with him for the next week before I decide when to start sending you back onto missions. Now then you're dismissed and may go with your Sensei." The Kage said as he stared into all of our eyes.

I was the first one to turn and exit the door leaving my two teammates and new Sensei in the office. I walked down the long hallway to the stairs and then down those until I exited the building where I waited for them to come out. I stared up at the sky for a minute before Yukio and Celia came out with the new Sensei behind them.

There was a silence between all four of us as no one wanted to be the one who talked first. I waited wanting to see what our Sensei was going to do and if he was going to start training us soon or not. I watched as he examined each of us up and down before he finally turned and started to walk away making us follow behind him.

I already didn't like my new Sensei and didn't think that I would be getting along with him very well. We walked past the shops and out to a training ground. A quick look around the place and you wouldn't think it was a training ground and you wouldn't think that anyone would be using it.

But if you looked closely around you could see the the dents in the ground and large rocks. "Okay I want you to introduce yourselfs starting with the pink, then black, and then orange, got it." Our new Sensei said as he looked at Celia first.

"I'm Celia Akahoshi." She said as I stared boredly at her while thinking that she spoke her name much to loud.

"I'm Yukio Fudomekimo." His voice was much more quiet then Celia making me feel a little grateful that he wasn't as loud as her.

Finally it was my turn. "And I'm Mia Konaichi." I stated in a low bored town.

I notice that our new Sensei gave me a weird look before nodding his head. "That's great." He said as he looked at the three of us again. "I'm your new Sensei."

"What should we call you Sensei?" Yukio asked as we waited for him to give us his name.

"Just call me Sensei." He said while the two idiots nodded their head at him.

I stared at him not knowing why he wouldn't tell us his name. I felt like he was hiding something which would be important. I examined him but didn't notice anything odd. I would just have to make sure to keep an eye on him.

"Great now let's get to training. Today I'm going to have you fight each other so that I can judge you and learn your moves, your weak points, and your strengths. Also I want to know how far your each go before you hit your limit." Sensei said as we looked at each other.

I took in Celia and Yukio scared expressions as I faced our new Sensei. "Sensei what's the point in having us fight each other. I doubt that the two of them, even if it really came down to it, couldn't harm the other and I wouldn't have a problem killing them." I said in a cold hard voice.

"Mia Konaichi," He said my name like he knew everything about my clan as his tone took onto one that was filled with over confidence. "The last survivor of the animal take over clan. Ah yes but your clan was destroyed four years ago but a group of S Ranked criminals who still to this day haven't been caught. I heard that you would be a tough student when I agreed to become your Sensei." My bored expression changed to that of a murderous one as he talked about me and my clan that he had no business saying anything about.

I disappeared appearing behind our new Sensei as anger overcame me. I drew one of my swords out and stabbed it through his back knowing that if he was a worthy enough Jouin that he would be able to avoid my attack. My sword slid through the body as I heard Celia let out a scream and Yukio ask me what I was doing.

I was only trying to kill our new Sensei.

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