Chapter Thirteen

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Kakashi POV

I gave my students an closed eye smile as we finished our mission. We was on our way to get ramen now as a treat. Naruto was trying to talk to Sakura about something while Sakura was ignoring him and trying to talk to Sasuke.

We entered the ramen stand and all sat down. Naruto was the first one to order a bowl of ramen before the other did two. I didn't order anything but instead brought out my very special book and started to read it.

The sound of metal hitting metal brought me out of my book. I stood up quickly as I looked around for the danger and wanted to know what was going on. I spotted a girl with long orange hair holding a kunai to block an attack from a male jounin who had a shuriken. I recognized the jounin as one of the ones that was in the village to take part of the exam that would be happening soon.

I watched as she pushed him back before moving out of the stand. I notice a shuriken come flying this way after a few seconds with a paper bomb connected to him. I formed quick hand signs as I stopped the paper bomb from going off and following them outside so I could watch was was happening.

"Hey I know that girl." Naruto said as she stood beside me.

"Who is she?" I asked not recognizing her.

I sweat dropped as I realized that Naruto was having trouble remembering her name. I glanced around to see that villagers had taken cover, well all but one who appeared to have a baby.

"Swamp of the Underworld." I heard the jounin shout.

Great another day where I can't be lazy, I thought as I formed hand signs before appearing next to the girl who had the baby and moved them out of the street and out of harm's way.

"Water chains!" I glanced up in surprised wondering how a girl that appeared to be a genin knew a move like that. "Earth Release: Earth Rising Wall." I watched the grow weak and caught her before she fall to the ground.

How could a geunin know a move like that, I thought looking at her and wondering who she was.

"Are you okay?" I asked as her jerked from my hold and glared at me.

"Of course I'm okay." She snapped reminding me of one of my students

I watched as she threw something into her mouth before I looked back at the jouin. I knew that I was going to have to talk to the Hokage about this. What if this group of ninjas put the village at danger.

"Kakashi Sensei is the girl okay." I heard Naruto asked as he looked at the girl with worried eyes.

"She's fine Naruto." I said as I went back to see if anything else was going to happen.

"You want to know why I attack them Sensei." She spit out with venom in her voice at the word Sensei. Why would a Sensei attack his own student. I couldn't figure that out."Because they had the nerve to mock my clan. Because they was bad mouthing the village that we came from. Because they needed to learn their place when it came to who was stronger. I attack them when they threw a shurikan at me first. Sure I mean I was going to attack either way because I can only take so much but there you have it Sensei. The truth behind the lies that they told you." I watched as the girl turned and started to walk away.

I wonder what happened to make her Sensei go against her. I also wondered why type of village it was if they could mock someone and get away with it. I knew that I had to have a serious talk with the Hokage.

"Your nothing but a wimp Mia!" A girl that was standing behind who I thought had to be their sensei to shouted making the girl freeze.

I sighed feeling annoyed with them and their Sensei. He should have known how to act in another village. Even though it didn't appear like it.

"That's enough!" I said appearing in the middle of them along with another shinobi that came out from the shadows incase something else was to happen. "Take this out of the village. I doubt the Hokage will let you stay anylonger if this keeps going on." I said looking at both parties.

I watched the girl walk away with Naruto and my other two students following behind her. I turned so that I was now fully facing the girl Sensei to see that he was glaring at her. It was clear to me that he didn't like the girl.

"And you. You're a Sensei and you should know how to act in another village. I will be reporting this to the Hokage and he will decide if you're still allowed to stay or not." I said taking my book back out and started to walk away to give him time to think about what had just happened.

Great this is going to be a very long day, I thought to myself.

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