Chapter Twenty-Four

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Mia's POV

I watched as the two girls walked to the middle of the arena. They stared at each other as the protector walked to them. He was getting ready to start the match that would be interesting to see.

"I, Miki Tanaka, give up." I heard Miki shout, surprising me.

I couldn't help but wonder why she would give up before thinking that maybe it's because she didn't want to hurt someone from her own village. I wanted to see her beat Celia but I knew that it wasn't going to happen now. I wondered who the next match was going to be.

"She's from your village, is she not?" Neji asked me, as I looked at him in questions.

"They both are." I replied wondering why he was so interested in Miki before shaking the feeling away. I didn't care who he was interested in.

"Then for the next match." The jounin shouted as the names rolled once again.

I sighed before turning to look at Neji completely. "So what can you tell me, about him?" I asked as I still wanted to learn more about Sasuke Uchiha, and if he had anything to do with his brother.

"He lost his clan at a young age, by his brother. He's the only survivor other than his older brother. And that his brother had became a rouge ninja, being hunted down still to this day by the leaf." Neji answered in a bored town.

I let out a sigh realizing that he didn't know much. "So then you know nothing really. Geez you're not very helpful." I mumbled as I stayed staying at him.

"It's your match." Was his only reply.

I turned to see that he was indeed right. It was my turn to fight and I wouldn't help the big smile that formed on my face at the person that I would be fighting. It turned out to be my lucky day after all.

Konaichi Mia VS Akaoshi Celia

"She doesn't seem to have any luck." I said before jumping over the edge, landing onto the hard ground as I walked to the middle of the arena.

"You ready to lose Akaoshi." I asked her as she returned to the battlefield.

"Your be the one losing, not me. You're not going to leave here alive." She said sounding confident.

"Yet I will be the winner." I said with an air of confidence myself. "I'm not a weak little girl." I said taunting her.

"Your a freak!" She shouted making my ears twitch in annoyance.

I watched as she came at me preparing to attack before the protector could even say begin. I smirked as she did exactly what I wanted her to. I jumped out of her way knowing all the attack that she would use and how she fought.

"You think that you'll be able to defeat me." I said laughing a cold laugh. "You're so weak and pathetic that you wasn't even able to hit me with that move. Yet you stand there thinking you can kill me. I won't die until the day I get revenge for my lang." I said taunting her more.

"Die!" She shouted as she let her anger control her.

I watched as she brought her fan out finally ready to take this serious. As her wind came at me I made a rock wall to block me from the attack. She was to easy to prodect.

"You can do it Celia." I hear Yukio yell to her. "You can beat her." I rolled my eyes as I faced this battle totally alone.

"Even Yukio believes in me. The man that you tried to kill." Celia shouted giving away her position which was from behind me.

I turned around surprised that I didn't notice her trap. I didn't realize that she had been hiding there the whole time. I clenched my fist together as I didn't have time to block her attack.

I felt myself go flying backwards as cuts appeared on my body. I hit the rock wall that I had made before breaking it into pieces. I had thought that this was going to be a easy fight but had let my guard down.

A scream escaped my lips as I felt her attack me with another move. I felt myself get hit by small air bullets that moved too fast for a normal eye to see. I fall to the ground, landing on one knee. I couldn't block her attacks without my words.

"You're a freak Mia. Look at your non-normal tail and ears." I heard Celia let out a laugh as she mocked my clan. "You thought you was going to get revenge for you clan, but how can you do that when you're doomed to die here." She said as she laughed louder. "I don't get why they let you live. Your nothing but a freak of nature, you and your whole clan was nothing but freaks."

"Shut up!" I shouted at her as I got up from the group. "Shut up! You know nothing about what happened to my clan! You know nothing." I screamed as I ran at the girl, forming hands.

A sword made out of water appeared in one of my hands. It was made of solid water that I had managed to get from the air around us. The more control that I had, the bigger I could make it.

I brought my sword down at her knowing that she wasn't a close range fighter. She blocked my attack with her fan knowing that her words had gotten to me. She knew that by mocking my clan that she could make me lose control and make mistakes.

"Pathetic."She said as she knocked me backwards. "Don't you know that wind always win." She said with a smirk like she had this whole fight in a bga. "I'll kill you with this one move." She shouted.

I couldn't stop myself anymore. I dropped the water sword as I started to form hand signs just like her. "Not If I kill you first." I shouted back anger lacing my voice that echoed through the room.

"Pressure Damage!"

"Dance Of Death!"

"Now DIE!!"We shouted together finishing the jutsus at the same time.

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