Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Mia's POV

I stood on the other side of the arena. Sensei said that it was for my protection but I really knew that it was because he thought I would try to attack Yukio. I looked to my side to see I was standing by a group of sand and sound shinobi. I let out a sigh.

I was told to stand on the other side of the place so that I wasn't close to him or anyone from my village. I had only wished that Yukio would have been able to kill me. I knew then that they wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to protect the others.

Right as Yukio had been about to bring his axe down on me, we was surrounded by jounin. The protector stood in the middle pushing me backwards while my Sensei had grabbed ahold of Yukio arm stopping him from bringing it down completely.Mika Sensei appeared on the other side of Yukio making sure that he wasn't going for another weapon. Then finally Dozy Sensei wrapped his arms around Yukio's body.

I had been surprised and shocked by it all and even more surprised when a white haired jounin appeared next to me making sure that I was fine. I had agreed that I was fine and then I was escorted away from Yuiko, while Dozy and Mika Sensei took Yukio back to the other side.

I looked across the place, glancing at Neji. I doubted that he would talk to me now, because of what happened. Even my own village mates didn't want to talk to me. I had tried to yell up to Miki, as I knew she would at least hear me out, but only for her to turn away. Sensei had told me to just leave them alone.

Now I didn't have anyone to talk to. I really was a freak when it came to them. I twitched my tail in annoyance knowing that I didn't care what they thought. I didn't need that group when they was just a bunch of losers.

I sighed to myself not knowing what to do anymore. I didn't know what I was doing by that point or know what was wrong with me. I didn't want friend or need them, yet I tried to sae Yukio. I didn't mean to kill Celia when she attacked me, during the battle.

The medical ninja's had took Celia away, checking to see if she was really dead or not. I was assuming that she was. I didn't see how she could have survived that.

There was only one match left to go. So far only 12 of us have pass, Sasuke, Shino, Kankuro, Temari, Shikamaru, Naruto, Gaara, Dosu, Umi, Yukio, and Keada. The only one left to fight was Neji and a girl that appeared to be related to him.

I sighed to myself as I turned from the match and walked to the wall. I sat down leaning my back against it while closing my eyes. I figured that someone would wake me when the fighting was over. There wasn't a point in me watching this. I wanted to be surprised anyways when I fought against him.

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