Chapter Fourteen

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Third Hokage POV

"So you say that this Mia girl stopped her Sensei's attack and protected this village that was in harm's way?" I asked Kakashi who only nodded. "How strange. I want her and the rest from her village watched." I ordered. "Get me Guy, Asuna, and a couple of others Kakashi who you think will be capable of doing this."

I sighed to myself feeling old and worn out. I had been Hokage for far to long and still had years to go. Is the stone village trying to attack us or do the students and Sensei just not get along with each other.

I looked down at the piece of paper about who had came. Mia Konaichi only known for using earth style and her two swords. What her clan specialties in is unknown or the village is unwilling to tell. She is Twelve years old. Celia Akahoshi only known for using wind style and her fans that she carries. She is Thirteen years old. And is also on the same team as Mia. Yukio Fudomekimo known for only using earth style and for the axe he carries.There their Sensei who goes by the name of Rock. Shows that he is to be about 28 in age but says nothing else on him.

It sounded like those was the four that Kakashi was talking about. He said it seemed like they was all on the same team. But he couldn't be sure because they was attacking the other girl. Then there was the rest of the groups but they haven't done anything to the village yet unlike tis one group.

"Go talk to this girl and see what she's willing to say about the fight." I ordered as two ANBU appeared before me.

"Yes Sir." They said before disappearing once again.

It doesn't even say what happened to her clan just that they were up and killed one day with her the only one left. It sounds just what happened to Sasuke Uchiha only it appeared that the girl didn't hold that same hatred that he did. I heard a knock at the door and told them to come in.

In walked Kakashi and eleven other ninjas that would be doing this job. "I want each of you to follow one of the stone village members. That also means their Sensei's to. Come back and report to me everything that you learned. Make sure not to get caught." I ordered them telling them what they would be doing.

"Kakashi you'll be watching Mia Konaichi. Be careful to stay out of her sight and not to get caught. Guy you're going to be watching Celia Akahoshi. Make sure to not get caught in her sight and that she doesn't know you're following her. Asuna you'll be watching Yukio Fudomekimo. Don't get caught following him and be careful. Anko, Aoba you both will be watching the jonin that is known to by the name of Rock. He is also the one that is the Sensei to the three genin that I said above. Be very careful with him because the only information that we have is his name and rank. Stay hidden and out of sigh no matter what." I ordered giving the first five a look. "Now you guys have your students to think about so for the next week I want you to give them a break. Also we'll have to have another meeting for the exams that we are holding this year."

Kakashi and the others nodded before disappearing knowing how important it was to go keep a watch on them. I looked at the rest of the group that was left in here with me as I tired to decided who would get who. I had Choza Akimichi a Jonin, Ensui Nara a chunin, Hayate Gekko a Jonin, Inoichi Yamanaka a Jonin, Iwana Akame a Chunin, Iwashi Tatami a Chunin, Kurenai Yuhi a Jonin and Kunugi Mokume a Jonin.

I let out another sigh as I gave the rest of them a person to keep an eye on and reminding them to be careful and to stay out of view. We didn't know what the stone village was up to but we didn't want anyone to know they was being watched either. 

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