Chapter Eleven

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We was walking down a dirt road with trees on both sides. I had a bad feeling in my gut as my tail twitched uneasily. I felt like something bad was going to happen to us but I still followed behind everyone not wanting to get dragged into an conversation.

"There it is." Miki shouted from the front of the group where she was skipping. "There's the leaf village." Her cheerful voice filled the air as the others became silent.

"Does that mean that we can finally rest in a real bed and get something good to eat?" I asked to one of the three Sensei's that was walking just a little behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see that my Sensei was giving me that same look that he had been giving me since the village. That same look that everyone that knew what really happened to my clan would give me, pity. I glared at him before turning away and walked forward so that I was now between Shou and Yukio.

I notice two ninja was at the gates where the stopped us at. They had asked us what we was doing and what our business was there. I watched as the three Sensei's walked forward and showed the two their passes and gave them the reason to why we was there to begin with. They nodded as they let us through the gate.

I walked away from my group knowing that it would be easy to find them when I needed to. I wanted to explore the village and didn't want to be see by the loser. I adjusted my backpack as I jumped into a tree then onto a roof as I didn't feel like walking on the ground where I could bump into someone.

I finally found a place that sold ramen and knew that it was time to each. I jumped down landing on the road which didn't seem to have that many people. I looked around noticing the other shops that surrounded it before I entered the stand that reminded me of the once that was back in my village.

I moved in deciding that I wasn't going to hide what I truly looked like. I wasn't going to stay in hiding because the criminals was still out there running free. If they wanted me then I would face them head on rather I was strong enough or not.

I sat in a chair as I sat my backpack on the floor next to my chair. "Just one of anything that is good and some water." I ordered looking at the girl who was taking my order.

"Sure thing." She said as she moved to get my food and drink.

"Hey old man give me some beef ramen." A voice shouted from behind me making my ears drop down from the boy's loudness.

I glanced to my side expecting to see just a normal looking person but instead I had to take a double take. He looked so much like Shou only this boy appeared to be loud. He had short spiky yellow hair, with bright blue eyes from the angel that I had and was wearing an orange jumpsuit making me curious as to who this kid was.

"Who are you?" I asked allowing only boredom in my voice.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be Hokage some day believe it." He shouted as he looked at me with a smile making me frown at how cheerful he appeared to be.

"I'm Mia Konaichi and I doubt that your going to become Hokage. You're to annoying and seem to be too loud to." I stated simply.

My words seemed to have bothered the kid. "Oh ya you wanna beat. I'm going to become Hokage and then everyone will have to respect me believe it." He said in that same loudness that reminded me of Miki.

Before I could say anything my food was placed down in front of me. "Here you go." The girl from before said as she gave me a smile.

I nodded my head as I looked down at the reman and started to eat it choosing to ignore the boy beside me. I was halfway done with mine when I heard the boy, Naruto, yell for another one. Finishing it off quickly as I didn't want to stay by him anylonger then necessary I stood up getting ready to leave.

"Hey he's paying for mine." I shouted as I pulled my backpack onto my shoulder pointing at the only person that was at the ramen shop before I walked away before he could say anything about it.

I wasn't to far away when I heard him shout about it as my words seemed to finally register.A smirk came to my lips at the thought him not being happy about it. I had a feeling I was going to be seeing that boy more.

By the time that dusk arrived I had managed to find the place that me and everyone else from my village would be staying. I walked inside of the building and groaned as I saw Celia. I watched as she was flirting with a boy with a cute fluffy white dog.

Now I might not like my team much and think that they are completely useless but I did once think of them as friends which was why the sight bugged me. Not only that but I did use to care for Yukio and didn't think that he deserved something like that. I looked around to see that it was only the three of us in the front making this that much more better.

I sighed as I formed quick hand signs. I reached into my weapon pouch that I had on my leg and threw a shurikan at her. Before she could react the shirkan blew up feeling the place with smoke while I made sure that it wouldn't have hurt her even if I wanted it to hit her. Inside I threw it so that it would land at her feet.

I appeared behind the boy who was holding the cute fluffy white dog and pulled him out of the building with me. I put my hand onto his mouth and pulled us against the wall that was around the corner as Celia ran past yelling my name and threats my way. I smirked wondering how she was going to explain that to Sensei and Yukio.

Finally when I could no longer hear her voice which seemed to be lost in the wind I disappeared in a cloud of smoke appearing back inside of the building where I had dropped my black abg. I picked it up and walked down the hallway until I found a room. I opened the door walking in it to see that I would be sharing with Miki.

Miki looked up from the book that she appeared to be reading on her bed blinking when she saw it was me. "Why was Celia just yelling your name?" She asked in a clam curiosity tone of voice.

I smirked at her as I sat on the only other bed in the room as I sat my bag down by it. "Oh you know she was flirting with a boy that had a cute fluffy white dog and I might have or might not have thrown a paper bomb shurikan at her that might have or might not have blown up and then appeared and stole the boy away from it." I said as I picked the stuff up that was on the bed that appeared to be someone else's.

I looked to see that it was Celia stuff as a evil grin appeared on my face. I glanced around making sure that there was only two beds in the room before I moved to the door where I tossed her stuff out of it before going back in and laying down. I closed my eyes as I felt tired and knew that sleep would do me some good.

"Tell Celia and Sensei that I don't want to be disturbed will you Miki." I said as I slowly drifted off into sleep not waiting for the answer that she was going to give.

I had a feeling that she wouldn't let them mess with me and even if they did it would only end up bad for them.

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