Chapter Six

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I sat on the ground panting from all the running that our Sensei made us do because I had tried to stab him even though it did fail. This was stupid and he knew that it was. There wasn't a point in making us run all of that then expecting us to fight afterwards at our full strengths when we would already be tired from the laps and push ups.

I glanced at my teammates and smirked seeing that they was breathing harder than me. It felt good knowing that I was still better at something then them even if it was the ability to run longer than them. I knew that I was slowly getting stronger and I loved the feeling that flowed through my veins.

I watched as our Sensei walked over to us with that same smirk that was on his face that I didn't like. "Now that the running is done and the push ups are completed let's test your skills."

I got up pulling my hair into a tight ponytail so that it would be out of my way for the fight. "Who's fighting who?" I asked as I felt ready to burn off this energy that I had been holding in for over two weeks.

"You are going to be fighting each other all at the same time." He said like it was the best answer there was.

I glared at him before jumping away from my two teammates and a bored looked appeared on my face. I knew that this would be a tough battle if they worked together against me but I also knew that if I managed to get one of them the other wouldn't make a move in fear. I worked out different plans that would work.

I notice that Yukio glancing at Celia with a look of worry meaning that he knew one of my plans before we even started. I knew that he would protect her no matter what now which would work in my favor. I didn't bother looking at Celia not caring what she did.

The battle hasn't started yet and both me and Yukio knew it.

"But Sensei is that even fair." I heard Celia complain for some weird reason. I figured that she would be happy that they both could attack me at the same time.

"Yes because if you don't fight each other then your not going to be getting lunch or dinner. Your be running laps instead." He said sending her a look that said that he wasn't joking around meaning that there wasn't a way out of this. "Now begin!" He shouted.

I jumped once again moving from the spot that I was just at as I reached an hand into my weapon pouch and pulled out a shuriken. I threw one at Yukio with a second one heading towards Celia knowing that he wouldn't be able to focus on both of them at the same time. Instead he would try to play a hero and protect Celia.

I formed hand signs. "Earth Clone." I mumbled as two look alikes appeared beside me.

Throwing two more shuriken and then a third one behind them connected to a paper bomb I waited for Celia to cry out in shock or pain. Taking the moment that she did, Yukio got distracted from watching me. I rolled my eyes as I moved appearing behind him and pushing a shuriken to his neck while my two clones stood on either of his stood. I stood facing Celia so that I had him in a tight hold.

"Surrender." I said as I pushed my shuriken a little harder making Celia go white.

"That's not fair." I heard her scream out in rage. "We're suppose to fight each other. Not take the other person hostage to use against the other person." She cried out trying to get Sensei to agree with her.

I glanced at our Sensei to see if he was about to step in but it didn't appear like it. I sighed not pushing Yukio away from me but adjusting a little so that I could get a better view of Celia. She might be a good fighter at times but she didn't know the least bit about fighting against a real life opponent. Or the risks that came with it.

"Look he said fight right?" I said giving her a bored look. "He didn't give us rules, just that we had to fight each other. I took advantage of Yukio wanting to protect you and you caring for him. Either way I still fought so it counts. So just give up already Akahoshi so I can let go of your boyfriend." I said watching as it looked like she was having a battle inside of herself.

"Celia just do it." I heard him say.

I smirked knowing that it had ended much faster than I had thought it would. "Fine I surrender." Celia shouted falling to the ground on her butt.

"Good now you Yukio." I said knowing that if I let him go that he would still have to fight me until one of us won.

"Fine I surrender." He mumbled.

I let him go and pushed him away from from me. "All you have to do is think before the match and use what you have against the enemy before they use it against you." I called over my shoulder as I walked away from my team and Sensei.

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