Chapter Forty-Eight

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Kage POV

A knock sounded at my door. "Come in." I called out wondering who it could be.

The door opened to show that it was Mia. I wondered what she was doing back so soon and where the rest of her team was. I didn't see either of the two genin or Sensei behind the girl.

"What are you doing back so soon Mia?" I questioned as I straightened up in my seat.

"I came to ask if I could leave your village to join another." She said.

"What village and why?" I asked having a feeling I knew what village it was and the reason behind it.

"It would be better for me and you." She said not telling me the village.

I let out a sigh as I couldn't disagree with her on that. I knew that she wasn't very liked in the village and trouble only seemed to follow her after her clan had been destroyed. I knew there wouldn't be a point in keeping her here.

"Very well you can leave as long as the other village is okay with it." I answered finally.

"He is." She mumbled.

I nodded my head at her as she left the office. I didn't know what I was going to do about it now. I notice a bird outside of the window and figured it was from the village she was willing to join. I only hoped it had what I wanted in it.

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