Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Stone Shuriken." I shouted aiming to hit Sora.

I knew that she wouldn't give it her all. She didn't have a goal like I did. She didn't want to have to fight her own teammates but she would have to if she wanted to become a chunin.

"Wind Shuriken." She shouted to.

The both hit each other knocking them out of the way. I sighed wanting to just get this over as quickly as I could. I didn't want to have to hurt her to badly.

I watch her from two clones of herself. I did the same but with dust. I knew that she didn't have a fire move so she wouldn't be able to defeat my clones.

"Rock throw." I said as she did another move.

"Spiraling Blast." I smirked as I was able to dodge her attack and hit her with mine.

"Earth Bullets."

"Air Bullets." Our attacks countered each other.

I moved in to kick her. She blocked it with her arm so I went for a punch. At least she was blocking her self. We started to go back and forth punching and kicking each other while our clones took care of the others.

I entered the ground and moved around. I waited for the right moment before spring from it. Above me one of my clones had grabbed ahold of her. I kicked her up into the air.

I jumped after her from quick hand hands. My fist soon got covered with rock. I brought it down punching her and knocking her into the ground.

I fall to but landed on my feet. She did good I thought as I walked over to the knocked out Sora. She was able to block almost all my attacks.

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