Chapter Sixteen

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I threw my hand up in defence as I watched for the blow. I heard the sound of my teammates screams. Tears entered my eyes as I felt like I was reliving that day all over again. Only this time I would die with my team instead of my family.


"Stay back."

"Get away from my team." I shouted as I stood back up feeling my body sway from the damage that I took and from my neck burning which made it hard to focus. "I won't let you kill my teammates. I'm the only one who's allowed to do that." I shouted as I got ready to right again against the enemy.

"Blood Release: Blood Prison." It wasn't suppose to come to this. Another set of signs followed quickly behind. "Blood Release: Blood Control." I shouted not caring who heard me as I revealed the secret my clan kept hidden. The secret that out them killed.

This was all my fault. It's been three days since we entered the forest. We could have left by now but I didn't want to. I wanted to see him again but this time I would kill him.

"Who's going to hold the scroll." Celia asked as we stood at the gate waiting for it to open so that we could entere get another scroll and then be done with it.

I took it from her hands and put it in my waist line. "I will seeing as I'm stronger then the both of you." I said looking to our side making sure that no one saw me take the scroll from her.

"Hey why can't Yukio hold it." Celia yelled glaring at me.

"Stop acting like a baby Akahoshi or I'll kill you where you stand." I told her as I looked at the person who was standing at the gate with us.

He was suppose to be the one who opened it when it came time. I sighted not feeling like talking to that girl anymore. I just wanted to get this over with as soon as we could. Then I hopefully wouldn't have to deal with her until we had to go back to the village.


We ran into the forest moving fast from the spot that we was once at. The plan was to find another team and get their scroll. Hoping that it wasn't the same as the one that we had.

We ran for a while before finally deciding to come to a stop. I jumped to the ground from the trees that we was using to move in thinking that it would be better if we stayed high then low.

"Earth Release: Earth Tremor Sense." I said as I put my hands on the ground and listening for any signs of someone being close. I couldn't sense anyone but us in this area for at least now.

I stood back up glaring at my team. "No one's in the area." I said wondering why I was the one to do it and not one of them.

"Great then we can make a quick plan of attack." Yukio said as he looked around the place.

"Get to it. I'm sure you already came up with one that you think will work but really don't." I said glaring at him even more.

"If you're so smart why don't you just get a scroll yourself." Celia yelled giving away our location.

I smirked at her as I moved. "Fine I will. Bye." I said disappearing into the earth as I moved away from them. I had to find a team that wouldn't be hard to beat. That should be easy enough.

It wasn't too long before I found just the team that I was looking for. There was three of them and by the looks of things they had both scrolls. That just made my job a little easier.

I waited for the right moment to move. Two of them was fighting over something unknown to me and the third one was laying under the tree that I was hiding in.




I jumped to the ground knocking the guy out and taking bothe scrolls from him as I waited his him team to notice. I looked up just in time to see a kunai coming towards me. I moved to the side as I smirked at the two who finally notice I was here.

"What do you think you're doing." One of his teammates demanded of me.

I hold up both the scrolls in my hand. "Taking them from you." I said as I jumped away.

I formed quick hand signs disappearing before they could reach me. It didn't take long to find my team once again. By the time I got back to them it was dark but they had a fire going and seemed to be cooking food.

"Here." I said tossing the scrolls as I walked into camp surprising the two of them as it didn't appear they was paying any attention. "You carry them." I told Yukio as I found a nice spot to sit down and rest.

"We should leave now then. We have both the scrolls." Celia said as if she was part of getting them.

"No not yet. I have something I have to do. I have to find him and kill him." I said giving Celia a dark glare.

"That wasn't part of the plan." She yelled at me letting me know she didn't care if she gave away our location or not.

"She's right Mia. It would be best to leave. Besides I didn't think that you knew anyone here." Yukio said as he gave me a strange look.

"We're not leaving." I said as I didn't move from my spot tired from all the traveling that I had done and the fighting. "Beside you can't leave without me or you fail and the only way I'm leaving is when I'm ready to or I'm dead." I stated as it was just that simple. "So rest and I'll take watch." I informed the two as I closed my eyes.

My ears flickered as I listened for anything to move around our camp area. I was listening to see if someone was coming or not while I rested my eyes. I knew that there was no way that I would be sleeping along with these two because then I would end up dead.

I realized now that we should have left when I didn't want to. But I wanted to find him. I wanted to hurt him.

"Mia watch out." I looked behind me to see that an enemy had been able to sneak up on me. "Mia!"

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