Chapter Forty-Nine

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I left the office glad that he had agreed, and headed back to my apartment. I entered to see that Guy was missing and Tenten was in the kitchen looking for food. Neji was sitting on the floor in the main area.

"Where is Guy." I demanded feeling very worried about this village that I was in.

"Probably trying to spread the word of youthfulness."Tenten said like it was a normal thing. "You really don't have anything to eat do you." She said.

I let out a sigh wondering what I got myself into. "Great I'm going to be living in a village with a shinobi like Guy. I'm going to shave his freaking eyebrows."I said rubbing my forehead.

"Good luck with that."Tenten said as she moved to my fridge making me think that food would magically appear.

"There's a place down the road Tenten. It serves the best food there is." I said finally.

"Really where?" She asked.

I laughed as I told her the directions to get to the place. I was hoping that she would run into her Sensei and make sure that he wasn't doing anything to damaging. I looked towards Neji, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Aren't you going with her to get food?" I asked him.

"Why would I do that. We're still on a mission, seeing as you're coming back with us." He replied with a cold look.

"Ugh! And I'm going to be living with village with a mister know it all." I said throwing my arms up into the air as I walked towards my bedroom to pack the little that I had.

I couldn't wait to start my adventures in the leaf village.

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