Chapter Thirty-One

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Rock Sensei POV

The fight between my two students, that I was intrusted to watch, was fearful. I didn't want Mia to win because of the hatred that she cared and her power. I knew that something was wrong with me because I couldn't stand beside one my students, but I couldn't find myself to do it.

I might feel pity for Mia and how her clan was destroyed but that wasn't a reason for her to turn out how she did. It wasn't a reason for her to attack her own teammates, and to try and kill them. I might feel pity but that was only about it when it came to the girl.

I appeared stopping Yukio by grabbing his arm. The protector came in between the two, pushing Mia back away from him into another leaf jounin arms. Mika appeared grabbing his other arm, while Dozy wrapped his arm's around Yukio's body.

"You are not to fight each other unless in battle." I told him in a stein voice.

I sighed as all the other jounins let him go but didn't move from their spots. He glared at us as I turned walking Mia to the other side of the arena. I just didn't know what to do about the boy. One day he was all about protecting Mia and then the next he was all about hating her.

"I got this." I said as I passed Mika and Dozy, as I lead Mia to the set of stairs. "I think it would be best if you didn't go to the other side Mia. I'm going to see if Mika or Dozy will stay over here with you, just incase Yukio tries to attack you again." Or until you decide to kill him, I thought.

I couldn't tell if Celia was dead or not but I let the medics handle it. I knew that I was going to have to send a bird with a message and see what I'm suppose to do about it. I couldn't just leave it as it was. With that I left Mia on the opposite side of the arena as I went to talk to the other two Sensei's about their idea.

I was going to also have to talk to the Hokage of this village, to see if he was willing to help me. I just hoped that he would be on y side. We didn't need Mia running around this village free to do whatever she wanted.

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