Chapter Two

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Yukio POV

As we left the room I glanced back at Mia wondering what her plan was and why she was doing this for us when it was clear that she hated both me and Ceila. I didn't understand why she would take the blame for something that wasn't her fault at all. No matter what I couldn't figure out what ran through her mind.

We have only been on a team for two weeks but the three of us knew each other much longer than that through me and Mia knew each other since we was kids. We had just gotten this mission 5 days ago meaning that we had only officially been Genin for a year and two days. But it wasn't unheard of Genin going on such high ranking missions such as this.

Though usually they gave Genin E Rank and D Rank missions sometimes they do get B rank which is what we got gotten. Though when genin get a B rank mission they are usually on a team for much longer than two weeks. Usually they are on a mission for half a year if not longer.

I felt a tug on my arm pulling me fully out of the room and pulling the door shut. I looked back forward noticing that Celia was glaring at me. I wasn't sure what I did to make her mad this time but I knew that it must of been something.

"What did I do?" I asked her confusion clear in my voice.

"Why was you staring at Mia?" Celia demanded as her voice raised some. "You don't have a thing for her do you? Yukio!" She shouted my name as she didn't give me time to answer her question.

I let out a sigh as I rolled my eyes at her accusing words. No matter what I did to show her that I cared for her even at our young age it didn't seem that she believed me. I was 13 years old with Celia being the same age as me and Mia being a year younger.

I did think that Mia was very beautiful and grew up to loving her being told by my parents that I was going to marry Mia one day but that was all before the accident that happened 4 trouble years ago. Mia had long orange hair that looked like flames when the sun hit it just right, flowing down in waves down her back when she didn't have it tied up with that black ribbon that she loved to wear.

Even with her bright green eyes and dressing style, along with the bandages that she usually had wrapped around her it still didn't hide her beauty. To me it only added to the mystery of why she would bandage her body and try to hide it underneath that all. And that's what Celia didn't understand.

She didn't understand that even though I was supposed to marry Mia because of our clans and who our parents were, that I couldn't do that now. Her parents agreed on it thinking that I would be a strong and great warrior that would protect their daughter where my family agreed on it because we was only a small clan but with the connections we could become bigger. But Mia had gotten more dark over the last couple of years making it hard for me to love her.

I had made myself a promise that even if I still did love her that nothing was going to change my mind about Celia and how I felt about the girl. I knew that no matter what I would have to do what I thought was right even if it meant live with the pain of not being with the one person that I truly loved.

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