Chapter Twenty-One

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Mia's POV

I rushed into the tower with Celia following behind me. I didn't know what we was suppose to do when we entered the tower. No one was there to meet us like I had expected. I put Yukio's body down to look at it.

He looked even more pale than before. "What are we supposed to do." I asked feeling helpless at that moment.

I looked at the wall but it didn't make any sense. Yukio was still bleeding to badly and I was running way past my limit but I couldn't just let him die. I felt a wave of dizziness hit me.

I pushed that aside as I slammed my hand on his chest. "Blood Release: Blood Give." I said as I felt blood feel my mouth as I coughed.

I couldn't use that anymore or I would die. I didn't care at that moment if I died or not because I didn't want him to die. Even after everything that had happened, even after I became cold and said hateful things to him, Yukio was still there for me no matter what.

I had forgotten about Celia. I didn't care what she was doing. I just wanted to save him no matter what.

"Get away from him you freak." I looked up in surprised as I had completed forgotten about my other teammate.

I felt myself get pushed from Yukio and into the wall. I glared at Celia who was now standing above his body as she hold her fan out towards me. I don't know how she didn't lose it when we was fighting, but she still some how managed to have it.

"I was trying to give him my blood you idiot! He's going to die without it!" I shouted at her as I felt anger course through my veins at the girl.

"Shut up with your lies!" Celia yelled back at me making me clench my hands into fist from anger, as I fought the cough that wanted to rock through my body.

"Fine have it your way. If he dies it's your fault." I hissed at the girl going back to my emotional face showing no signs of caring.

"No it will be your fault. You're the reason we are still here." Celia shouted at me.

I knew that it was true. I was the reason that we was still out there but she could have learned to protect herself better. She could have learned to actually fight.

I looked to the wall before I got an idea. I knew how to save his life. We had to open the scrolls then we would pass and we would be able to save Yukio's life.

"Give me the scrolls." I ordered Celia.

"No!" She shouted glaring at me.

I didn't have time to play her games. I moved appearing behind the girl, while knocking her away from Yukio. I grew tired of her already and wished that it was Celia that was in Yukio place instead of it being the other way around.

Before the girl could talk I grabbed the scrolls off of his body and opened both of them at the same time. A cloud of smoke appeared before our Sensei appeared standing there before us. I felt relief at the thought of it finally being over.

"Sensei!" I called as I found myself collapsing to the ground coughing.

I could see the shock on his face before I found myself closing my eyes to stop the pain that was rocking though my body. I had ever called out to him before and when I did it was usually when I anger Celia to the point where she was trying to attack me, while failing the whole time. He never seen us in a mess like this before because unlike my team I was able to get us out of it.

"Help," I started to cough even more in between the words, "him." I said as I felt a wave of dizziness hit me.

"What happened?" I could hear him demanded as he moved to our injured teammate.

Before I had the chance to answer Celia did it for me. Feeding him lies about what happened. And feeling me anger, enough to want to murder the girl.

"She happened!" Celia yelled alerting me that she was going to place the whole thing onto me. "She tried to get us killed and she almost succeeded to, with Yukio. She didn't want to leave the forest of death. She tried to kill us herself." She shouted the lies just pouring out of her mouth.

I didn't feel shock that the girl was trying to lie. I knew that she hated me just as much as I disliked her. Even if we was once good friends we wasn't anymore. Even if I didn't try to kill them in the forest my Sensei would never believe me.

I heard the sound of other appearing. "She even used blood control She tried to take control of me and make me kill him! I wouldn't do it. I fought with everything that I could." Celia continued just adding more to the fire.

"She's lying." I shouted as I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look up to see it was a medic.

"I can't take that risk." Sensei said making me worry about myself.

"But I didn't do it." I whispered feeling fear for the first time in a long time.

"We'll have to wait and make sure about that. Until Yukio is awake you are under complete watch. You're not allowed anywhere alone." Sensei ordered as the medic took Yukio away while one stayed behind to take care of me and my evil teammate. "And you're not allowed around Celia or Yukio for their own safety."

I felt my world fall around me slowly. I wasn't going to get my goal done. I wouldn't be able to get revenge for my clan all because Celia hated me enough to lie about something like that.

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