Chapter Thirty

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Miki POV

I watched as the fight happened. It looked like Celia was dead at the end of it. I felt bad for Mia. I knew that the village wouldn't look at her the same and wouldn't let her come back if she had really killed Celia. Celia was after all one of her teammates.

I remember just before we arrived at the leaf village. I had some how got Mia to start talking to me. I asked her what she was going to do if something bad happened. What she would do if she killed someone.


"Mia, wait up." I shouted as I ran to catch up with the girl.

"What do you want Miki." Her voice was laced in annoyance as she talked.

I gave her a smile. I had been hoping that she would finally talk. I knew that none of the others had tried to talk to her because she was usually cold and rude to them.

"I just wanted to talk Mia, we haven't talked for such a long time." I said panting a little as I reached her.

Mia turned her head to give me a glare. "I know that this is the only way to get you off of my back." She said in a cold hard voice.

I felt a burst of happiness. "Yay," I shouted making the others give me strange looks. "So isn't this fun. We might be able to become chunin." I said giving the girl beside me a look.

Mia let out a sigh as the look on her face changed. "Sure but at what price will it take to become one." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused.

"It's my goal to get stronger and you know that Miki." She said as she looked at the ground with a hard look. "But everyone else, has never faced death before or even been close to it. They never had to fight someone else, just to save their own life." She glanced up at me with haunted eyes letting me know she was thinking back on what happened to her clan.

"Ya that's true but what does that have to do with the exam?" I asked confused on how that would affect us.

"What if we are forced to kill someone? Take someone else's life? What if we do it, not on purpose, but because it was a mistake. My soul purpose is to become a chunin, then a jounin, to the point where I'm strong enough to get revenge for my clan. It means that I'm stronger if I passed. It means I'm closer to my goal but I'm willing to do just that." Mia voice hold sadness that I would never be able to understand. Sadness that pained me to know that she was facing this alone when everyone should be there standing by her side.

"So you think that we are going to have to fight each other?" I asked her wondering if she already knew what was going to happen before it did. "What will you do then, if you do kill someone? You know that if it's one of us, the village won't take you back. They will kick you out after the exams. Meaning that your become a rogue ninja." I said feeling even more sad for her.

Mia looked at me with a sad weak smile as a single tear ran down her face. "Miki, I'm afraid there will be no way getting past it. Something bad will happen during the exams. When it does, just know that I probably didn't mean for it. That I didn't do it on purpose." She said before leaving me behind feeling more shocked and confused than before.


Know I knew what she meant. She knew that someone would die at her hands, without her meaning to do it. You could tell by the look in her eyes.

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