Chapter Seven

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Shou POV

I sighed as I glanced at our Sensei. "So we have no missions today?" I asked making sure that was what she said and that I wasn't day dreaming it again.

I was standing with my team, Miki Tanaka, and Naoko Kyoyama, both of whom seemed more quiet than usual today. We had been waiting for our Sensei, Maki Tanaka, who seemed to be running a little late. Miki didn't know why her mother was running late either.

"Yup that's exactly what I'm saying Shuo. Now I have to go and shop." Our Sensei said as she disappeared leaving us all behind still confused.

I put my hands into my pockets as I looked up at the blue sky that had soft clouds in the sky feeling lazy. "So what do you guys want to do?" I asked as we started to move slowly down the road away from our meeting spot.

"Let's go see if anyone is at the training grounds. I heard the group Mia is in got a new Sensei." Miki said.

Miki usually knew everything that was happening inside of the Kage office because of her mother and father. She would learn something new and even though she wasn't suppose to tell anyone she would still end up spilling the beans to me and Naoko. She didn't only know what was happening inside of the Kage office but also knew information from around the village about many different things.

I looked over in time to see her push her short white hair out of her face and then looked towards Naoko waiting to see if he was going to agree to it or not. Miki was friends with Mia which was why she was so interested in seeing if she and her team was at the training ground. Not only that but she also happened to have feelings for someone on Mia's team.

"Oh I really hope Yukio is there." Miki shouted as she started skipping down the road leaving the both of us behind in her excitement.

"I can't believe that she likes him." Naoko voice hold that of annoyance because he wasn't very fond of Yukio for his own personal reasons.

"And I can't believe you like Celia. She's such a troublesome women." I said as I walked beside him lazily.

"Ya but she's cute." I saw the pink tint on his checks and decided not to push my teammate any more about it.

I found the whole liking someone to be troublesome. Not only was there a chance at you getting rejected but there was also a chance of them liking you back which only made things that much worse. I would much rather be out staring up at the blue sky then anything.

We fall into silence as Miki stayed skipping ahead of us without falling somehow. We passed houses and shops before walking onto a little dirt path that would lead to a training ground that we knew Mia was famous for going to. We made it to hear some shouting from the training ground.

Miki waiting for us, we moved so that we was hiding behind some rocks. We looked around it to see what was happening. From my view it looked like Mia had finally snapped and had her male teammate, Yukio, in a hold with two clones on either side of her.

"Surrender." Her cold voice floated across the quiet field.

Mia was facing away from my group as we watched was happening. It looked like Celia had done something that made Mia lose her mind unless they was training. I looked around to see if I could spot their new Sensei.

"That's not fair." I flinched as my ears started to ring from the scream of Celia. "That's not fair." I heard her say again making me think that she was complaining about what Mia seemed to be doing.

I spotted a Jouin making me think that it was their new Sensei. "We're suppose to fight each other, not take the other person hostage to use against the other person." Celia cried out.

I understood now why they would be fighting each other. I tapped both my teammate shoulders as I pointed out their new Sensei. They was being judged on their skill and it didn't look like Mai was going about it right because their Sensei did not look happy.

"Look over there. That must be their new Sensei." I said quietly so that we wouldn't get found out.

Naoko was the first one to move away from the rock. "Come on guys. Let's get out of here." He said as he started to walk away not wanting to see what happened. "Let's go get some ramen."

Miki moved next with a sad look on her face before she broke out smiling. "Maybe we'll see Kaede and her teammates." Miki said as she started to skip away.

I followed behind giving the four of them one last glance as I wished all the best on Mia knowing that it must still be hard for her. I guess nothing good was going to happen from the fight and knew that when we meet up with Celia and Yukio that they was going to complain about what happened. Which would be even more bothersome.

"I doubt it, last I heard they was still on a mission that was out of the village and wouldn't be back for a couple of weeks at the least." Naoko said ruining Miki hope once again that day.

"Geez and I was hoping to hang out with them and have some girl time." Miki said as she started to spin in a circle waiting for us to catch up.

I wonder how she didn't end up falling with all that skipping and crazy stuff that she did. She doesn't even look at where she's walking must of the time. And Naoko seemed to never have anything happy to say unless it was about Celia. Geez I have a troublesome team.

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