Chapter Eight

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Kage POV

I looked at the three jounins that I had asked to come to my office that day. "You all know why you are here today." I said looking at the three that stood before me as I judge their reactions. "We have 2 weeks before it starts. I need to know if you're going to have them join in or not." I stated knowing how important this event was.

The rest of the squad have already decided to wait another 6 months before they would do it or wait for it to get closer to decide again. Now I looked at the last three that haven't gaven me an answer, Maki, Rock, and Dozy. I wonder if they was going to make the same decision as all the other Sensei's when it came to this matter.

After all it was pretty far to go with the event being held inside of the Leaf Village this year. Maki was the first one to give me the answer that I wanted.

"I'll put my team in." She said with a smile on her face.

"If her team is going in then I'll do it with mine to." Dozy followed next knowing that his team would have a shot at this to.

I smiled as I waited for Rock to decide. "I don't know if they are ready. Can't we do some type of experiment on them?" Rock asked with unsureness in his eyes.

I sighed having a feeling that he would say that. "We could but it would give you less time to make it if you did decide to go." I said watching as he thought about it for another moment.

"Fine were in." He agreed letting me know that I had 9 genin going with a chance of coming back and becoming Chuunin.

I could tell that he didn't really want to put his team in but he still did anyways. Something must of made him think that his team wasn't ready or maybe he was just worried about what might happen to him. Still after 2 months of looking we still haven't been able to the team old Sensei making us believe that he was dead.

"Good. Why don't you go tell your team and see if they want to then set out." I said dismissing them from my office with a wave of an hand.

Maki and Dozy exit but Rock stayed behind making me think that he had something to tell me or to ask me. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

Rock sighed as he stood before my desk. "It's Mia. She barely shows up to missions and training. And when she does she doesn't get along with her team. Plus she never talk about anything and get's mad if you say something about her clan." He said making me think that he had made the mistake of mentioning the girl clan to her which would explain why she wasn't working with him or her team.

"Do you know what happen to Mia Konaichi Clan?" I asked knowing that he had arrived in the village just before it happened but couldn't remember if he had been out on a mission at that time.

"No I don't. Nobody has told me anything about it." He said making me believe that he was gone that trouble day that everything seemed to happen to the girl.

I felt deep sadness as I even thought about it. "Sit down it's going to be a long story." I said knowing that after four years he was about to hear the truth about what really wanted to her clan and who attacked it. 

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