Chapter Twenty

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Kaeda POV

I was running towards my house when I bumped into someone. I fall to the ground hurting my bum a little. I looked up with wide eyes as tears filled mine. I saw a boy that was around my age.

He looked confused and lost. "Hi there." I said giving him a big smile as I stood back up brushing the pain away as I didn't want to look weak to this new commer. "Are you new here?" I asked wondering where he had came from.

"Yes." He said shyly as his cheeks tinted a light pink.

I laughed as I reached my hand out to him. "I'm Kaeda Arai. Who are you?" I asked him as I waited for him to grab my hand.

"I'm uhhh I'm Naoko Kyoyama." He mumbled softly as I had to strain my ears to hear him.

"It's nice to meet you Naoko." I shouted as I waved at him while I continued to run back home. "We should hang out sometime." I shouted once again as I got farther away from the boy hoping to see him around again.

I made it to my house as I entered it. "Mommy I'm home." I shouted as I walked into the kitchen to find her there.

I walked in to see my mom at the stove making something. I walked over to the table that we had sitting in the middle of the room and saw a plate full of cookies. I wondered why she made cookies.

"Why the cookies mommy?" I asked her.

"Oh a new couple had moved in down the street and they have a son about your age Kaede darling. We was going to go over there to give them some cookies." She explained to me.

"Oh okay mommy." I said as I exited the kitchen to walk to my room knowing that she would call me when she was ready.

I was going to write the boy a welcome to our town card.

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