Chapter Fourty-Seven

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"Neji!"I screamed as my swords was knocked out of my hands and I was grabbed from behind.

I had fought as long as I could and as hard as I could but I still didn't win. I was still weak from the events that happened that day and the use of my secret jutsu. I didn't know how the other two didn't wake up from all the fighting and me yelling at them to help. I figured that one of the 5 had used some sort of jutsu on them.

Now I stood before the fire, getting taken from the path that I was choosing to go down. I struggled against them, still fighting even without the use of my weapons but it didn't seem like it was enough still. They was stronger than me and more than me.

"Let me go!"I shouted at the person who grabbed me. "Let me go!"

"No, the person that hired us capture you and that's what we are doing." Was their smart reply.

"I would rather die than go to someone that one wants me. He sounds like a closet pervert!"I shouted out hoping that Neji was on his way back already.

"Mia!"I heard my name get called out.

I couldn't tell where it was from but knew that it was a male voice. Tears entered in my eyes as I knew that he was too late. I knew that I would be gone by the time that Neji got here.

Was this it then. Was I going to be taken from my chance of getting my revenge. I was going to get taken away before I could even learn what was wrong with me when I was around Neji and get the revenge that I needed.

Soon I found myself getting knocked unconscious.


I opened my eyes to see the sun shining down onto me, blinding me for a couple of seconds. I blinked trying to adjust to the light around me. I sat up, to see that I was still in the same camp from last night.

I turned at the sound of footsteps to see Tenten walking towards me. She smiled down at me. "Glad to see that you're finally up." She said.

I frowned feeling confused. "What happened to the enemies?"I asked.

"We woke up to you fighting the enemies. You got knocked out before we could step in but after that we took care of them. Neji was the first to jump in to save you." She said smiling down at me.

"Really, I figured that smart ass would have let them take me." I mumbled as I gave her a small smile

"Why would I do that." I jumped at hearing his voice from behind me. "You are the mission after all. I couldn't just let it fail."

I turned glaring at him. "Ugh why did you have to come on this escort." I demanded as I stood up so that I could face him fully. I watched as he smirked at me. "Whatever, let's just leave already." I said as I turned away from him to get my stuff.

I heard agreements coming from behind me as I started to pack my tent up. I finished putting it away and grabbed my back in time to see that Guy was still not ready to leave. I sighed knowing that that jounin was going to be the death of me.


I found myself standing in front of the Kage door as I knocked on it, waiting for him to tell me to come in. We had just gotten to my village a few minutes beforehand. I showed them to my place telling them to stay there before I disappeared from their sight.

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