Chapter Nine

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I tossed and turned as I had a dream that still haunted me to this day. A dream that I never seem to be able to forget. It wasn't just a dream but a memory that had happened to me before.

(Four Years Earlier)

"Big sister! Big sister."I looked down the street to see my little brother, at the age of Seven, came running down towards me with a big smile on his face. "Guess what happened today." He shouted waving a piece of paper in the air with his hand.

I waited for him to stop in front of me. "What happened little brother?" I asked him hiding the smile that threatened to appear on my face as I could already guess what made him so happy this time.

"I got an A on this paper. Aren't you so proud of me." I smiled down at him glad to see that he was so happy about something like that. He was jumping in excitement showing me that he could barely hold himself together.

"Of course I am." I said feeling proud of my little brother because I knew that he would become a fine young ninja as he got older. I knew that he might even be able to beat me in a match one day if he kept up all that hard work. "Come on and get on my back and I'll carry you home. Then once we are there I will make you some cookies."

He was smart for being so young. I knew that it must of been part of the animal that he was taking the form of that helped him when it came down to it. By the look of things he was going to be something like an fox. I could already see his eyes were changing first before other things would change on him.

Each person in our clan was different from another. Unlike my brother I was borned with two cat like ears and a small tail showing early signs of what I was going to be. Then there was another member of our clan who only got the smarts or speed of an animal.

"Yay!" He shouted as he jumped right onto my back as I prepared myself for it.

With that I took off running down the street. Our clan members yelling hello to us as we ran past them. Some even seemed to cheer us on. Everything seemed to be going as it was suppose to be that day.

I started slowing down the closer that we got to our house as a bad feeling filled my stomach. I stopped just outside as the feeling became worse then before. I didn't like the feeling and knew that if it was bad I couldn't allow my brother to be put into danger. He was the next head of the clan after all.

I sat my brother down so that he was standing on his own two legs. I pushed him back as he was about to run around me and go in. He stopped seeing the look on my face but kept quiet knowing that I would only do this to protect him.

My ear's fave a quick twitch hearing no sounds coming from inside of the house that stood before us. My tail flickered behind me as I felt nervous and afraid of what laid ahead. I didn't feel the need to hide either of my special gifts because I was inside of the compound but I knew that if I was to leave that I couldn't allow anyone to see them even if I didn't get it.

"Sister is something wrong?" His voice was filled with worry making me look down at him.

I shock my head no at him as I forced a smile onto my face. I grabbed his hand and started to head inside as I didn't listen to my gut or my instincts that was telling me to turn and run. I walked right into the trap. 

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