Chapter Ten

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"We're leaving on a mission with them." Our Sensei said pointing to the group of teams that we would be traveling with. I turned to see that it was the 6 other losers and their Sensei's walking this way where we was waiting in front of the ramen stand.

There was Maki Sensei and her team, Miki Tanaka a girl with short blue hair, white eyes, and who seemed to like to wear short pink dresses. Naoko Kyoyama a boy with black hair that was about as long as mine, black eyes, and likes to wear brown shirts and pants along with a long brown cloak. Then lastly in her team was Shou Akutabi another boy with short yellow hair, brown eyes, and wears the same type of clothing as Naoko.

Beside them was Dozy Sensei and his team, Kaede Arai a girl with long white hair, purple eyes, and someone who likes to wear red short dresses. Sora Minobe a girl with short white hair, black eyes, and likes to wear short blue dresses. Then lastly Umi Saitou a girl with long green hair, yellow eyes, and likes to wear short orange dresses.

"Tell us why again." I said annoyed that I had to travel with them Six then my own two teammates.

"You should have listened the first time." Sensei shouted at me as he raised an fist in the air like he was thinking about hitting the back of my head with it. "Now go, get your stuff. We'll be gone a while." He ordered.

"Yes Sensei." I heard Celia and Yukio yell at him before the two took off together towards their homes.

"What's the point of this whole thing." I demanded feeling annoyed that I was being forced to take part of something that I thought was stupid. "We won't make it. Those two are too weak and those six over there are just losers that can't even defend themselves."

I felt the back of my head get hit making me fall to the ground in pain as I put my hands up to it. My tail twitched in annoyance as I decided to stop hiding my true looks.I turned glaring at my Sensei with narrowed eyes.

"Now go get your things!" He ordered already getting tired of the problems that I was making that morning.

I flinched from his loudness as my eyes twitched hurting. I got up and walked away from him and the rest of the group who was being told what was happening at that moment. I slowly walked down the streets ignoring the looks that I was getting because of how I looked and wondered how soon I would be coming back here.

I walked up to a small apartment door and put my hand against it. I put a little charka into my hand as I deactivated the trap that I placed on my door for unexpected visitors. I then put my key into the lock and unlocked it opening the door so that I could walk into the empty space that didn't feel like home.

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my black backpack that I had. I sat it on the bed and stared into it seeing how empty it was. I didn't know what to take with me like I didn't know if I was going to end up coming back or not. I knew that this gave me a chance to get away from this place and the memories that haunted me.

I sighed to myself feeling a headache coming on. I went to my closet and opened it revealing all the different weapons and a couple different clothing inside. I grabbed a couple of weapons and filled my pouch up with it so that it was ready.

Next I moved more weapons around as I packed them into different bags. I first started with my shurkians that had paper bombs connected to him. Each weapon that had a paper bomb onto it was very special because I had designed it so that they wouldn't go off until I wanted it to which I found to be very handy.

Next I moved onto my needles that helped numb someone if I was able to hit them in the right place. They was long and thin needles which didn't have paper bombs connected to them. I found that it was useless unless I planned on killing the person with it.

I worked on fixing the remaining weapons that didn't have paper bombs connected to them making sure that they evened out so that I had half with and half without paper bombs. I put bells onto one third of my weapons so that it would help confuse the enemy before packing everything away into the backpack. I added a pair of fish net legging, a black short dress that had a bow in the back of it, and then a short crop top which was black and a pair of short black shorts into the bag.

By the time that I was done and grabbed the last few items that I knew that I would need, like scrolls that hold special meaning to me and my clan and which would help me out if I needed to use it and placing a few water bottles into the bag it was about an hour after he told us to get ready. I sighed not knowing when our Sensei had wanted to meet again but thought that I would just who up and wait for them. I threw the bag over my shoulder judging it making sure that it wasn't that heavy and left the place that I had called home for the last four years.

I turned locking the door before I added charaka back into it and reactivating the trap for the unlucky person who should enter my small apartment without my permission. I turned walked back down the hall and down the stairs that lead to the street. With that I started to head back to the entrance of the town.

Clouds seemed to have covered the sun making it look like it was about to rain. My eyes twitched as I heard my name get called. I glanced over my shoulder to see that Miki and Shou was running towards me.

I stopped walking deciding that I would wait for the two losers. I did count Miki as a friend a little and liked how the girl acted but I wasn't about to tell anyone that. I didn't want someone to use that against me.

"What do you want Miki?" I asked in a bored town as the two stopped before me.

I notice that she was bouncing on the heels of her feet. "We've been searching all over for you. Everyone's ready." She said in a cheerful tone.

"I don't need you weakling to wait for me." I said as I started to walk once again with her and Shou following behind.

"Your mean." I heard Miki said with a pout in her voice from behind me.

A smirk appeared onto my lips. "Hn."  

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