Chapter Fourty

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Naoko POV

I didn't feel like I had control of my body. It felt like someone else was moving it for me, controlling what I did. Someone else was saying the words that escaped from my mouth, they wasn't my own words.

Now I had to fight but I didn't know who I was fighting. I couldn't place a face with the name, but I knew that I should be able to. I didn't like not being able to remember them things.

I was standing next to two people that I didn't remember either. I knew that they was important to me somehow but I couldn't remember who they was or why I didn't remember them. I wasn't even sure why I was here other than to fight some battle.

I knew that I was in the leaf village and something had happened to me during the second exam. I remember waking up to see a girl crying over me and another guy laying next to me. She had thought that we was dead but we both got up somehow.

I was low on energy and chakra, I knew that when I had woke up but I didn't have any injures which was weird. We had just gotten out of the forest before we got thrown into matches. Being told that we had to fight each other.

Now it was my turn. It was only a few of us left that still needed to fight. And it looked like I was fighting someone the name of Fudomekimo Yukio.

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