Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Kaede POV

It was finally my time to fight. It got to me faster then I would have thought. It looked like I was going to be fighting Shou, who was from the same village as me. It bugged me, with how he was able to survive the forest somehow. I knew that he was dead when I got to him. I knew that he couldn't have survived losing all that blood.

Now I would demand answers from him about what happened. I would get what I wanted. I will force the answers out of him if I have to. That was now my new goal.

I entered the middle waiting for Shou to show up. He was slowly walking towards me. I could see the look of confusion and lost in his eyes, like the first day that we meet.


I was running down the street getting ready to meet up with Naoko when I saw this young boy looking lost and confused. I slowed to a stop and looked around to see that there wasn't any adults around. So I walked over to him.

"Are you lost?" I asked him.

"I don't know where to go. I lost my mom and dad somewhere." He said.

"How about I help you find them then. I do know this village pretty will."

He looked at me with hopeful eyes. "You would really help me." He asked.

"Of course." I said smiling at him. "I'm Kaede by the why who are you." I asked him.

"Oh I'm Shou and I'm knew here." I laughed to myself.

We sure are getting a lot of knew people I thought.


"Will you hurry it up already Shou." I shouted at him getting tired of waiting for this to start already.

I watch as he gave me an confused look like he didn't even remember who I was. I didn't know what was going on but I knew that someone was playing mind games and I was going to get to the bottom of it. I wasn't going to let them play with my friends like that.

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