Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Mia's POV (Flashback)

I was sitting on a swing laughing with my two friends, Celia and Yukio. I looked to my left giving Celia a big smile of mine, and then to my right giving a bigger smile to Yukio. I had counted the two of them as my best friends.

Today was Celia's eighth birthday and we thought that we should all hang out together for it. We wanted to make it special for her.

"Happy Birthday." I shouted to Celia as I jumped out of my swing, grabbing onto Yukio as I pulled him with me.

I turned us, so that we was facing her together. Celia was wearing a shy smile on her face as she looked at the two of us. I knew that she thought we had forgotten about her birthday but we didn't. We are after all her best friends.

"You remembered." She said quietly as she looked at the ground.

I laughed as I looked at her. "Of course I did. You are one of my best friends after all." I said tugging on Yukio. "We got something for you." I said pushing Yukio towards the girl so that he could give it to her.

"You guys didn't have to." She said as she still looked at the ground shyly.

"Of course we did." I said jumping up and down. "Now show her what we got her Yuiko, come on already. I can't wait for her to see it." I shouted as I jumped onto his back, as he gave Celia her birthday gift and card.

"We love you Celia." Me and Yukio shouted together.

I watched as she pulled out a beautiful blue and gold necklace, that hold a picture in the middle of it. The picture was of the three of us standing together with paint all over us. We was trying to paint something, only to end up throwing it at each other.

"Oh you guys, I love it." She said as she stared at it in awe.

I laughed again feeling happy that she did. "That's good because I didn't know what else to get you." I said. "Yukio here is the one that got the picture, while I picked out the necklace."

She looked up giving us a big smile. Celia was so happy that day. She had wear that necklace until the day that my clan was destroyed and I became a different me.

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