Chapter Thirty-Five

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Neji POV

'Mia,'I thought. 'She was a strange girl.'

She had first jumped out a window the first time that we had talked to each other. She had wanted to know if I was blind or not which I found to be odd. I just figured that she was insane or something.

Then I had walked over to talk to her during the exam, when I shouldn't be wasting my time on people like her. I shouldn't have bothered to begin with. But I found myself wondering about her for some reason.

She asked about Sasuke Uchiha and for some reason told me that his brother murdered her clan. She wanted to get revenge.

I wonder what her clan was. I knew that it had something to do with that last attack she did, Dance of Death. I knew there was no way that someone her level should know something like that.

Not only that I never heard of the move before. It sounded like it would have been a forbidden jutsu. I turned walking back to my waiting teammates.

"What was that about?" Ten ten questioned me as I got back to them.

"Nothing." I said as I went back to watching the girl, with strange orange hair and was wearing a black outfit. She had those bright green eyes of hers but I could see nothing but emptiness in them.

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