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-Dahyun, remember to call the bakery.

-Already done.

-Perfect. Is my dress ready?

-Momo is taking care of it.

-Momo! My dress!?

The girl ran from the kitchen and arrived in the living room. -I'll go get it tomorrow.

-You're planning a party.- commented a voice behind Nayeon.

The girl turned abruptly and saw her. She rolled her eyes. -Now you enter someone else's house as if it's nothing?

-Jihyo opened me.- the girl said with a grin.

-Hi Jeongyeon.- Dahyun waved her hand.

-Hello...- Jeongyeon then turned her gaze to Nayeon. -So the party is tomorrow?

-I thought Minhyuk told you.

-Yes, he did but I was too busy running my business.

-I imagine. So what are you doing here?

-I'm not here for you, beauty. Your mother invited me.

She left the living room and went towards the stairs. Nayeon just couldn't stand her but she was related to Jeongyeon at all times: she was her mother's co-worker, she was also her co-worker sometimes, she was her best friend's sister and her boyfriend's best friend; besides, they had grown up together, even though they both hated each other since they were little.

-Is Jeongyeon on the guest list?-Momo asked.

-As much as I hate it, yes.- Nayeon said. -So, we were saying... Ah!Embroidered tablecloths?

-I took them yesterday.- Momo said.

Jeongyeon knocked on the studio door and waited in front of it.

-Come in.- said Mrs. Im submerged in documents. Jeongyeon opened the door and revealed her figure. -Oh Jeongyeon! Good thing you're here. Some letters have arrived, please see them.

-With pleasure.

Jeongyeon sat down and picked up the first letter.

-Tomorrow Nayeon will give one of her events.- began Ms. Im, Jieun.

-I've heard of it.

-It would be good if you came, I insisted so much for you to come.

-Oh... So it was you, Jieun, who asked her to invite me.

-Jeongyeon, don't feel bad... You know what Nayeon is like.

-I wasn't disappointed at all.- the girl said with a grin. Who knows what that twisted mind was thinking. -What do they mean by tax increase? Isn't what we've already given enough for them?- Jeongyeon asked as she examined the piece of paper in her hand.

-We should talk about it with Mr. Rodrigo.

-I'll bring him these papers today. It was my pleasure Jieun.- Jeongyeon said standing up.

The woman stopped Jeongyeon by placing her hand on hers. -Jeongyeon, hope to see you at the event.

-We'll see tomorrow. Goodbye.


Nayeon opened her eyes and removed the blindfold she used to sleep. She sat up and watched the light enter her room from the large window that overlooked the entire Upper East Side of Manhattan. It was the day of the event she had organized and had invited several of Manhattan's elite. Her mother, Jieun, and her maid, Jihyo, had helped her with her invitations. The girl got up and went out to the room, going downstairs.

-Miss, good morning.- Jihyo greeted her. -Do you want something?

-Just a coffee. Have you received any confirmation?

-They should all be present.- the girl said starting to prepare the coffee.

-Let's hope those two idiots take my dress.

-I trust Miss Dahyun and Miss Momo.

-Blessed are you who still believes in those two. My mother?

-She went out early this morning. She had an appointment with Miss Yoo.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -I imagine things of extreme importance.

-Exactly.- Jihyo gave her the coffee. -Here you go.

-Thank you.

She heard the front door being opened and a girl entered.

-Jihyo, would you make me a coffee too?

-Sure, miss.

-Tzu! I told you a thousand times not to show up at my house like this!

-You gave me the keys.- the girl said shrugging.

-Only for when your parents are not at home.

-My mother has been in Tahiti with her partner and my father in Mexico for twenty-nine years.- Tzuyu sat next to Nayeon and put her bag on the bar counter. -Who will be there tonight?


-Oh no... Did you also have to invite the jeweler's daughter?

-I had to. They are important relationships.

Tzuyu snorted. She didn't like that girl at all. She took the coffee Jihyo had made for her and took a sip.

-Will your mother be there?

-She would not miss such an event.

-Where is she now?

-With Jeongyeon.

-Oh... Things of extreme importance.


-Have you ever thought that Jieun and my sister might have an illegal affair?

-No! Ewww! That sucks, Tzu!

The girl laughed heartily. -You know how Jeongyeon is with older women...

-Oh... I hope it doesn't go that far.

-In order to make you explode? It could be.

Gossip Girl inspired book

here I am, finally back. I hated that I couldn't write
But, here I am, graduated, results are expected tomorrow
For now, I can say that I have received compliments for my English from the president of my exam (and from my English teacher) I am satisfied
And I also did something I've never done in 13 years of school, which is to add something (a literature reference) that wasn't asked me
For me it represents an important milestone

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