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-So you ate the ice cream as if nothing had happened? Not even a gunshot, a scratch, a slap...

-No, Tzu. I don't care... Minhyuk has every right to be happy. He didn't choose me and I didn't choose him.

-I know this. But then... What are you going to say around?

-That I realized I no longer feel anything for him.

-Great move. Don't let the enemy see that you are weak. Changing the subject... Jeongyeon didn't come back tonight.

-I want to see her face when she's going to find out that nothing happened between me and Minhyuk.

-Let's go find her. She must be in Hyuk's club.

-Oh yes! Wait... Isn't she your sister?

-Yes, and then?

After all, it was Tzuyu. She didn't care about relationships. For her, every human being was worthy of insult.

They were walking right by the club, so they didn't take the limousine. When they walked in, they saw a girl at the counter. Nayeon wondered if that was the girl Minhyuk had been with.

-Jeongyeon... What a nice surprise to find you here.- Nayeon said sitting next to her.

-What a nice surprise? You knew perfectly well that I would be here.

-Yeah, instead of working...

-I would work better if someone sent me more cars.

-I'm doing this.

-Well. Why are you here? I doubt to talk about work.

-I wanted to thank you.- The other arched an eyebrow. -Thanks to you I opened my eyes and realized that my relationship has been a lie up to this moment. You know... I realized that I wasn't really angry.

-Only now you understood it?- Jeongyeon asked. -So... You're not angry with Minhyuk?

-Absolutely not. We're back best friends. You tried.

-Are you done?

Nayeon took a candle from her bag, the one that had been on the bedside table the night before. -Next time you enter my room, remember to pick up your things.

The girls in the club started whispering to each other while Nayeon had a smirk on her face. If the girl thought that Jeongyeon would be humiliated like that, she was wrong.

-You avoid making certain strange noises when we are in your room.

The grin on Nayeon's face disappeared. -Evidently you dreamed about it because I would never, ever do anything with you. Tsk. Tzu, I'm going.

-I'm coming with you. 


-So we have to jot down some ideas?- Sana asked.

-You're used to do it, aren't you?

-Can we make our brands collaborate?

-Show me the idea and I'll tell you. Chaeyoung will make the sketch.

-Chaeyoung?- Sana asked.

-She's the one who draws the sketches.

-Okay... Where can I find her?

Nayeon picked up her phone and texted Chaeyoung telling her to go to Sana's office.

-She'll be coming to your office shortly. You can go now.

-Okay... Ah... And I heard about you and Minhyuk. I am sorry.

-It does not matter. I didn't like him anymore.


The girl walked away, leaving Nayeon alone. Sana walked to her office and locked herself in there brainstorming.


Tzuyu was on the couch at Nayeon's house eating something Jihyo had made especially for her. The door was opened and the clatter of heels made the Latina look up from her cell phone.

-It took you a long time.

-Don't you have a home!?

-Nah, your sofa is more comfortable. And I don't have Jihyo at home.

-Get yourself a maid.

-I'm here to talk about Jeongyeon. I know you guys don't have a good relationship but it's really weird. She was healing more, think that I found her doing skincare!

Nayeon herself was surprised by that. Jeongyeon had never been a girl who cared so much about these things.

-What do you want me to do? Hasn't she already taken her revenge?

-Failing miserably? Nay, just tell her you're sorry.

-Tsk. She should apologize to me for the last thirty years of my life.

-Twenty-eight. You've known each other since you were two years old. Okay... You don't have to apologize to her, it wouldn't be like you and maybe she doesn't deserve it, but at least talk to her.

-Point a gun at me and I'll do it.

-Good to know...

-I'm going to take a hot bath. Make yourself... As if you were at your house.


Nayeon went upstairs and Tzuyu picked up her phone again and called one of her contacts.


-Hey, I wanted to know how you were since you just broke up.

-Oh... Actually you know that we never really loved each other, even if it's Nayeon who didn't even try. Of course, it's not her fault, we know—

-I am not interested. That's not why I called you.

-It seemed strange to me, in fact. I'm fine anyway.

-Talk to Nayeon. She told Jeongyeon that she's not actually a girl and now my sister has gone mad, not that she's ever been normal.

-Oh... That's why all that thirst for revenge. I don't see her that much different than usual.

-She follows the skincare.


- I'll talk to her too.


-So, you were telling me? How are you?

-Oh... After all—

Tzuyu ended the call. -How boring is that boy.

misamo's debut is truly a masterpiece

(i'm super tired, so forgive any mistranslation)

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