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-You'll never believe what she told me!- Nayeon exclaimed.

-What?- Tzuyu asked a bit hesitant.

Her sister would never betray her, right?

-To ask you what you and Minhyuk did ten months ago! Do you believe it? Wanting me to fight even with my best friend!? That's what I told her. Then she got up and left.

-By the way... Between me and Minhyuk there was nothing.

-I know. You don't even like him!

-But... I made Jeong think I liked him.

-Why?- Nayeon asked sitting down on the armchair in front of Tzuyu.

-Do you know miss Muller? You know Jeong hates her... Well... I was looking at her... Just looking, I swear! But Jeongyeon caught me and I lied to her about me looking at Minhyuk. And for a series of misunderstandings she is convinced that between me and him there was something.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Why don't you tell her the truth? Thus she will continue to hold non-existent facts against us.

-Yes, I was planning to do that.


-You should just thank me. I haven't told Nay about the real reason my sister thinks we're together.

-Oh and why? You like me, tell the truth.- the boy said jokingly.

Tzuyu glared at him. -I did it just not to make her suffer. You have one week to tell her or I will.

The Latina walked out of the restaurant and Minhyuk sighed.

-So... Are you really locked up in your office all day long?- asked Sana, who was "taking a break" in Nayeon's office.

-What should I do? I am the boss. If something happens, they call me.


-I'm here for a few hours and I'm leaving. It's not that boring.

-Maybe for you who don't have a life. What do you do in your free time?

-I don't have a life!? I organize events, I go shopping on average once a day, I run away from the paparazzi, I have a boyfriend... What do you do in your free time?

-I used to stay in my shop and go out with my friends.

-Don't you have one of your shops here too? We could do a collaboration.



-I never asked you because I didn't think you would ever accept. Your brand is so big and—

-And I'm in crisis because of a moron.


-He bought several items and still hasn't paid me. I can't afford the expenses of such a big company with no income, so I've reduced the cars to my mother's and Jeongyeon's hotels, but that idiot always has to present her own side of things.

-It's always like this... Unprofessional?

-Jeongyeon loves to be in control and guess what? Me too. Getting together in a room to talk business is to start a war. You can go now, the break is over.


Sana got up and left the study a little disappointed but at least she had talked a little with her cousin and this was already an achievement.

-Thank you Bridgette.

-Look at you... Already with a drink in hand at five?- Minhyuk asked him.

-You run this place.- Jeongyeon retorted.

-So, listen... The Tzuyu thing... Your sister lied to you. Indeed, I lied to you. There is nothing between me and her. I... I've been with someone else, but it wasn't Tzuyu.

-And why would you lie to me?

-Because by now she had told you that she was interested. It was better to make you believe this so as not to create further misunderstandings.

Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow and gulped down her margarita. -The fact remains that my sister is interested, you said it yourself and in this way you have done nothing but deceive her.

-Oh my! No offense but I would never like Tzuyu! Sure... She's sexy, don't kill me for that, but she has the delicacy of a longshoreman, don't kill me for that. And she doesn't even consider me a human!

-Actually... And if it was her technique—

-She was looking at miss Muller!

-Eh!? The doctor's daughter?


-Oh... I hate that woman.

-I know. That's why she lied.

-So... Between you and Tzu there was nothing. After all, it was strange... Thank goodness.- She took a sip of her second margarita. -But you still cheated on Nayeon and wanted to ask her to marry you... I'm terrible but at least I have the reputation of changing girls in my bed more often than changing my underwear; dude, you are despicable.

-These are mistakes that happen to everyone...

-You know what? You were right. I hate that girl so much and I wanted revenge by making her suffer but I'm not that despicable. I won't tell Nayeon what you told me.

-Too bad your sister wants to do it.

-Then you have a big problem. You won't convince Tzuyu.

-I have a week to talk to Nay.

-You still have one week to f*ck with Im, enjoy it.

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