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-Nice party.- Nayeon said going out to the terrace, sitting next to the girl who had taken refuge up there. -Everyone's down for you and you're here?

-I never asked for a party.

-I know. My mother just wanted to help you. She loves you, you know.

-Mh. She treats me as if I were her daughter. She feels pity for me.

-Jeongyeon, you don't pity anyone! There are people who love you! You have Jieun, Tzuyu, Minhyuk, all those people at the bar looking up to you. You are one of the most influential figures in New York City and the United States. Maybe people are down there for pandering, but they all see you as one of the greatest people on this continent. You are an example to so many people and you don't have to feel like a burden just because two idiots abandoned you. It's not your fault, just as it's not Tzuyu's fault.

-They didn't want us... We were an accident.

-You were the most beautiful accidents that could have happened. And if they don't like it, who cares? Jieun loves you as if you were her children, maybe even more than me. Minhyuk would be nothing without you, without his best friend, you even surpassed D.O. in life, all the girls go crazy for you and Tzuyu, even if she doesn't show it, would give her life for you. You're the only one who thinks you're a burden. The only thing you have any influence on is influencing society and you do this very well. Other people don't matter, Jeongyeon. Even my grandmother loves you.

-And you? What do you feel about me?

Nayeon's heart stopped for a moment, or at least so it seemed to her, her eyes remained cold in front of that question, her cheeks reddened without a precise reason on that cold day of November 1st.

-I think you are the best partner that could have happened to me, perhaps a thorn in my side very often, but in your own way you are funny. You are an amazing sister to Tzuyu and a perfect best friend to Minhyuk and I am grateful to you for taking care of them.

-Thank you.- she said rather coldly, getting up. -If you want, you can invite James. I think he likes you a lot.

-I noticed it. He's cute but not my type.- she said getting up too.

-Oh no? And who is your type? Minhyuk?- she​​asked laughing.

-Idiot.- she replied continuing to walk next to her.


-Yes, he was just my type. And don't remind me what you did or I might ruin your birthday, just like you ruined mine.

-You already do it every day. And need I to remind you of Marylin? Now, that would be a really nice birthday present.

Nayeon blushed. -Let's go down, they're waiting for us. There's also Bridgette and... Brittany? I do not remember.

Jeongyeon stopped her by the wrist. -Don't worry, there's only you for me.

Nayeon quickly pulled away and started climbing down, while Jeongyeon laughed at the joke.

Once she went downstairs, Jihyo brought the cake, knowing that Jeongyeon wanted this thing to end soon. Then it was time to say goodbye and finally only the birthday girl, Minhyuk, Tzuyu, Sana and Nayeon remained. The Latina proposed to accompany her almost-girlfriend home, thus leaving those three alone.

-I think it's time to go.- Minhyuk said. -I called James.

-You go, I have to have a talk with Jieun.

-Don't get too angry with her. She wanted to be kind. See you at home.

Minhyuk said goodbye to her best friends and went down to James who was waiting for him.

-I noticed that you didn't give me a gift.- Jeongyeon said.

-You already have everything. Now, if you don't mind, I'm pretty tired.

-I gave you a gift.


-Go to your room, onto your bed.


The girl did not understand why she had given her a gift. she She upstairs and turned on the light in her room. She saw something pink on her bed. She approached and, picking it up, realized that it was a wig.

-Me with a green wig, you with a pink one, we can do whatever we want because no one will know it's us, not even ourselves.- said a voice behind her.

-We would know.

-But we can pretend not to know, just as I pretend not to know that James continued to talk to you after I forbade him.

The girl frowned and turned away. -Why did you forbid him?

-Because he's just a driver, he doesn't deserve you. You deserve something better.

-How much have you drunk?

-No more than you.

-Jeongyeon! Are you still here!?- Jieun exclaimed. -I know what you want to tell me but-

-It's okay, Jieun. Good night.

Nayeon didn't know whether to thank her mother or hate her.

chae and nayeon noticing me at the concert (I'm 99% sure about nayeon, chae 100%)
chae makes my heart with her hands, nay sends me a flying kiss
sana baptizes us with water
and they saw me in the fanproject
then i caught mina and tzuyu looking at me
and jihyo when I screamed "neomuhae" probably looked at me for a moment
and during "because of you" in queen of hearts nayeon pointed to some of us and for 0.00000001s me too
i won

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