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Marylin led Jeongyeon to the bed of that cozy suite. All on account of the ceo, of course. The lights were off, to make it more exciting. The girl didn't remove her mask, she didn't want to risk it, and Jeongyeon didn't have the slightest suspicion of her, and under her condition, she wouldn't even care. Jeongyeon pushed the mysterious girl onto the bed and straddled her.

-Let's see what mysteries you're hiding here...- Jeongyeon whispered in her ear, while her hand moved down to her legs.

-Until proven otherwise, it's you who's hiding something.- Marylin whispered, grabbing the bump in the other's jeans with her hand.

Jeongyeon hinted a grin, while with one hand she lowered the zipper of Marylin's dress and with her lips she sucked inaccurate points on her neck, not to mark her, for the simple sake of it, to savor that iris aroma that emanated the slender white neck of the girl. Marylin helped the older one, sliding her dress down her small but fit legs. Jeongyeon ran her hand between her thighs, then moved up to an already wet area.

-I don't think you'll be bored anymore tonight.

-Oh no? Amaze me.- was the last thing the girl managed to say normally.

The malice reflected in the eyes of the CEO who, while not seeing the girl below, could touch her, and this pushed her far beyond with her imagination. She found the experience different than usual, more stimulating. With a quick movement she lowered and removed the panties of that mysterious girl and expertly she began to move her fingers inside her. Screams and moans filled the room and that was just the beginning.


Nayeon picked up her phone and answered it. Tell me, Tzu.

-Then? How was it?

-Right now I'm with Marilyn. If you want, you can reach us. We are at the bar under my house.

-Give me five minutes and I'll be with you.- About five minutes later Tzuyu was sitting in front of the two girls. -Don't tell me the details. But did it work?

-I really think so. She left me her business card.

-Well, you have her in your hand.

- I swear, Minhyuk. She told me she had the best sex of her life.

-Good for you. Why so excited about this?

-Because now I have a new toy to play with.

Minhyuk sighed. -Do you know who came to the club this morning?


-Kyungsoo, he used to go to high school with us. He goes by D.O.

-Ah... I remember. What did he want?

-He has returned from Korea, he says he is a lawyer and is very successful. I am genuinely concerned about Nayeon.

-Why?- Jeongyeon asked raising an eyebrow.

-He asked me about her.

-Worried? Perhaps you are jealous or envious, since he was her crush and she preferred him over you.

-Tsk. Nay and I are best friends and I have to protect her.

-From who? From a boy who courts her? Stop being ridiculous, Min.

-Explain to me why do you have to come to my office?- Nayeon asked Tzuyu.

-Because I have nothing to do.- the Latina answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

-Miss Im.- Kelly called her as soon as she saw her. -There's a gentleman over there... He said he has to see you urgently.

-Urgently? Who is he?

-I don't know, he insisted a lot...

-Bring him to my office. Tzu, stay here.

-Okay. I'm going to get some snacks from the vending machines.

Nayeon entered the office and waited with the door open. She was very surprised to see a rather handsome Korean-looking man walk through that door.

-Am I allowed?

-Come in.

-Nayeon... Wow... You haven't changed at all.

The girl arched an eyebrow and she studied the man closely. -Have we met before?

He smiled. -I'm Do Kyungsoo.

The girl stared at him for a good few seconds. -D.O.? Wow... You've... Changed.

-You, on the other hand, not even a bit. You never get old.

The girl smiled. -Please, sit down. Would you like something to drink?

-No, I'm just passing through. So, I see you're okay. I went to Korea for a while. I got married but... It didn't work out and we divorced.

-Oh I'm sorry.

-Nothing you should be sorry about, it happens. She... She cheated on me with my best friend...- He sighed. -Now I'm a lawyer and I've found a job with an important firm here in New York.

-Oh. I'm glad to hear it.

-So, what's up? I saw Minhyuk. It's over between you too.

-Yes... We understood that we were forcing things. We remained best friends.

-And Kyungwan? Jeongyeon now, right? She too hovered around you.

-Tsk. If by "hovered around you" you mean like an annoying mosquito, then yes.

The man burst out laughing. -Now I really have to go. We can meet again maybe.


-Tomorrow night for dinner?

Nayeon seemed to think about it for a while. -Fine.

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