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-See you then.- James said in the hope that Nayeon would accept.

-Congratulations, Im. You've done more business than me.

-Not that it was this big deal.

-Bye Nayeon, it was a pleasure.

-Me too.

-False.- Jeongyeon commented softly.

-More you who are deluding her about might having something between you two.

-Why am I deluding her? Maybe there really could be something. But maybe it's not her I want.- Jeongyeon shrugged.

-Don't tell me... Did I lose the bet with Tzu?

-What bet?

-That you would never fall in love.

-Look who's talking. And then who said I fell in love? Maybe I just changed prey.

-Right... How could I have thought that a troglodyte like you could fall in love.

-Said by acidity personified.

-Jeong, shall we go? My feet hurt!- Corinne yelled.

-Go, never want her to get a callus.

Nayeon turned to head for the car where Richard was waiting for her.


-Hey Nay.


-You don't know what happened... After you came back from the party, Jeongyeon came to pick up Miyeon and they spent the night together.

-That's who the new prey was... I wouldn't trust her.

-Miyeon doesn't care.

-Happy her. I would like to know what everyone finds in her.

-You can't deny she's attractive.

-Maybe she is, but no big deal. Minhyuk is attractive too.

-Mh. So what are we doing today?

-It's Saturday, we work half a day, barring unforeseen events. I have a meeting and I hope Miyeon's girlfriend will hurry up.

-A little bruised but she will come. And... You know... My cousin has arrived from Japan. I'd like to introduce you to him.

-Mh... Okay.

-Perfect! Because he's out here!

-You could have warned me. Let him in.

Sana came out with her typical smile as if it were Sunday every day and made the boy sit down. He had round green glasses, black hair and was quite thin. Definitely not Nayeon's type.

-Then I'll leave you alone.- Sana said before disappearing.

Nayeon mentally condemned her cousin.

-Hi... I'm Daiki.


The two shook hands.

-You are just as beautiful as Sana says.

-Good morning Kelly, is Nayeon here?

-Good morning Jeongyeon. How are you doing today?

-Good, beauty.

-Miss Im is inside and she is currently with a boy.

-A boy? Don't tell me James... He was in a hurry today.

-I don't know what he's called. I think I heard that he is Miss Sana's cousin.

-Cousin, huh? I'm going to check.

-But Miss Im will be angry with me.

-Don't worry, I'll say you tried to stop me. Nayeon knows me.- Jeongyeon went to the door and, without even knocking, entered. -Good morning.-Daiki turned around and saw the other girl. The two stared at each other for a while, and then Jeongyeon burst out laughing. -And this would be your new boyfriend?

Nayeon frowned. -This is Daiki, Sana's cousin.

-Who do I have the pleasure of talking to?- Daiki asked adjusting her lenses.

-Nayeon's girlfriend.

The boy's face darkened suddenly.

-Don't listen to her, she's just my colleague.

-She's all yours, champion.

Nayeon frowned again, glaring at Jeongyeon.

-Yoo, why already here? I thought you'd be here five minutes before the meeting as usual.

-Today I was struck by an innate happiness.

-Innate, huh?

-I... I'm going to see Sana... It was a pleasure Nayeon. Maybe... Later we could go get... A coffee...

Jeongyeon smirked at Nayeon.

-Of course, Jeongyeon will also come.

-I'm sorry but I have a meeting with your mother.- she said winking at her.

Daiki bowed and walked out of the office. Jeongyeon sat down and put her legs on Nayeon's desk.

-So you've already found the perfect replacement for Minhyuk.

-Tsk. Did you come here to tease me about a non-existent relationship or to talk about serious things?

-I was thinking that our meetings are boring.

-Ah ah.

-And your mother won't come.

-You're here, aren't you? You represent her.

-Why don't we go and discuss over a handful of ramyeon?

Nayeon's eyes widened. -What... What comes to your mind!?

-Hey, the pervert here is you. I only proposed to go and eat Korean cuisine. Then if you want to integrate with something else... Maybe for once you'll be able to convince me.

-How disgusting! Didn't you just get out of Miyeon's bed!?

(In South Korea when someone proposes to eat ramen, they could refer to spending the night together).

-Actually she's the one who came out of mine and I was joking, I don't want anything from you but the ramen offer remains. Maybe you prefer Chinese cuisine? Noodles?

-Go for the noodles.

-Then hurry up. I already booked at a korean restaurant.


-No "buts". I was craving for ramen.

-Tsk. Go for Korean cuisine.

Nayeon got up and took her bag. The two walked and said goodbye to Kelly. Meanwhile, Daiki had gone to Sana's office.

-She's so pretty.

-I told you! But Nay is complicated.

-What does she like?

-Sure not Jeongyeon.

-It's a relief. I thought they liked each other by the way they talked.

-By their insults?

-You know what they say, it's sour grapes.

-Believe me, it's not their case.

little surprise
today extra chapter cuz yes

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