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-So, do you like samgyeopsal?

-This isn't my first time eating it. Do I need to remind you that my grandmother was Korean?

-I know, calm down Nayeon. We're here to discuss business, not just argue.

-So let's talk about business.

-Good, because... You know the car you lent me?


-An accident has occurred. Nothing serious but-

-It's registered under my name!- she screamed-whispered. -Ah, I understand. You took me out so I couldn't jump on you.

-Let's try to stay calm. No injuries, just the car was destroyed.

-Perfect, where's my money?

-Nay, come on...

-Nay? Tsk. You won't win me over by pretending to be my friend.

Jeongyeon raised her hands up. -For heaven's sake, who wants to be your friend? But if your mother organized this meeting, it's because we need new cars.

-My mother is clever... Send you so as not to quarrel with me. Jeongyeon, how can I give you a new car if I just lost twenty thousand dollars?

-And I'll give it back to you. It's not that I can't afford it.

-And you want me to lend you another car? Pay if you want it.

-These weren't the agreements.

-The agreements weren't even that you should destroy it. How did it occur?

-Well... I was in the car with Jacqueline-

-I don't even want to know. And you would have given it back to me after... Ah! You suck, you know that?

-Let's not overreact. You probably say that because it's been ages since you've done it. We had the chance and... You won't tell me you never did that with Minhyuk.


-Tsk. What kind of relationship did you have?

-One where we didn't destroy cars.

-But you destroyed your relationship.

Nayeon looked down. -I won't let you judge my relationship with Minhyuk.

-Anyway, how much do I owe you for the new loan?

-Five thousand.

-Are you kidding?

-I would have asked you for one thousand but the four thousand are for sex in my car.

-Tsk. The truth is, it annoys you. You wanted to be the one with me, admit it.

-You must have drunk too much.

Jeongyeon laughed heartily. -Three thousand?

-Three thousand five hundred.

-Three thousand two hundred?

-Three thousand seven hundred.

-Three thousand five hundred, all right.

-Four thousand.

-I will never pay four thousand.

-Then forget the car.

-See, that's your problem. You are sour. Why don't you go f*cl Sana's cousin?

-Can you stop it?

-I'll give you ten thousand if you f*ck nerd with green lenses.

Business women|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now