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-Tzuyu, you're horrible!- Momo shouted looking at her friend dressed as who knows what creature.

-I'll take that as a compliment since it's Halloween.

-How cool it is to be able to offend her because it's Halloween.- the girl whispered to Dahyun.

-Nay? Aren't you getting dressed? -The Latina asked as she finally entered the house of her best friend.

-And like what? I wore the devil dress last year, the vampire one two years ago, the witch one five...

-Don't worry, you're scary even like this.- the Latina said, winking at her. -I was about to get dressed as Minhyuk...

-You don't have to be scary, you could even dress up as... I don't know... Disco girl.- Dayun suggested her.

-Disco girl?

-You can wear a wig, maybe pink, and a club dress.

Nayeon looked at her puzzled. How was it possible that she knew? Did Jeongyeon dare to open her mouth?

-I'll for the cat woman dress. I used it ten years ago, I don't think anyone remembers it.

-Okay but ten years ago you were... Young.- Tzuyu commented.

-F*cl you, Tzuyu.

-Let's hope someone does it.


Minhyuk's place was full of people but, as it was a private event, most already knew each other. Among them there were also Tzuyu, Nayeon, Momo and Dahyun. The boy immediately welcomed them and offered them some sangria.

-Where is that ass face of your friend?- asked the Latina.

-She would be your sister. And I have no idea.

Nayeon looked around her to see if she recognized anyone among the guests.

-They are between sixteen and twenty-three years old, I don't think you know anyone.- Minhyuk told her.

-Uh... Young people. I like it.

-Tzuyu, don't bother my customers.

-But that's James...- Nayeon said seeing a boy in front of the front door dressed as a vampire. -I'm going there. James!

-Hey, Nayeon. How is it going?

-Well, are you here alone?

-No, I accompanied Jeongyeon.

-Didn't she fire you?

-Yes, but we fixed everything. We went in together but I lost sight of her. It's good that I found you.

-Do you want to come there? May I introduce you to my friends.

-Oh yes.

-She doesn't waste time.- Tzuyu whispered to Dahyun.

-Tsk. She just broke up with D.O.-commented the shorter one.

-Guys, this is James, Jeongyeon's driver.

-And why are you introducing him to us and not her? And where is Jeongyeon?- Momo asked.

-Wait, didn't she fire you? And for what reason? I haven't understood it yet.- Tzuyu asked.

-A misunderstanding.

-But what kind?

-Tzu, stop being a detective and chill.- Minhyuk told her.

-Don't tell me what to do.

-Nay, I was thinking... For Thanksgiving... If Jeongyeon-


-Can't you make an effort? She will be all alone.

-It's Jeongyeon, she'll find something to do. And she will be bored with us. Then there are already too many of us... Me, my mother, my grandmother, you, Tzu, Sana...

-Will Sana come too?- Suddenly Tzuyu was interested in the conversation. -I thought she was going to California.

-It is likely that they will come here to her.

The evening continued with chatter and laughter, perhaps a few too many drinks, but it was a party. James became friends with Minhyuk. The two knew each other but had never spoken.

-Don't tell me, do you play the electric guitar too!?- Minhyuk exclaimed with the sixth glass of gin and tonic in his hand.

-You can count on it! I was in a band when I was young.

Meanwhile, Sana, Miyeon and a certain Soyeon had also arrived. Miyeon already didn't seem to be a problem for Tzuyu. Nayeon decided to walk away for a cigarette but the Latina didn't follow her, too busy talking to Sana and the other three- or maybe she was just interested in the LA girl.

-I needed some fresh air.- said the girl leaning against the wall of the room.

The streets were deserted at that hour. No wandering children meant it was late. She took the phone out of her purse and saw that it was half past one.

-Good evening...- they whispered in her ear.

She almost jumped into the air. -What are you!? A maniac!? Stay away from me, I'm calling the police.

-You probably would have preferred a maniac.

-Jeongyeon? Where were you? James was inside and waiting for you. I invited him with us.

-So he broke the deal, fine.


-I want everyone to stay away from you. You bring bad luck.

-Tsk.- Nayeon threw ash on her hand.

-Ah! You ugly-

-Watch out your mouth.

-What are you doing out here? Were you bored?

-I was just smoking, now I'm going back inside. And what the hell are you screwed up with? You sound like a pervert. It wouldn't hurt to play a joke on Tzu... Wait! What the hell did you tell Dahyun? Why does she you know about the wig?- asked the girl pointing her finger at her.

-I didn't tell her anything. Why should I tell Dahyun?

-And how does she know about the wig issue?

-You weren't careful enough.- she told her lowering her arm and looking into her eyes. They stared at each other for a few seconds and Jeongyeon let go of the girl's hand. -I had a few drinks and so did you...-she whispered to her.

Nayeon put two fingers to her lips. -Shhh. I'm going back inside. You can come too if you like.

Jeongyeon sighed. -I think I'll go home. Get James out.

Nayeon turned away filled with a thousand thoughts. It was the alcohol, the heat of the moment, or maybe a Halloween prank. Nothing she was thinking about could even remotely happen. She returned to the others, she warned James that she had met Jeongyeon outside and that the girl intended to return home, then she spoke to the others as if nothing had happened, because nothing had happened, but it could have happened.

btw anyone in berlin on the 14th?

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