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-...And my mother said that my cousin would be interested in buying half of the company.

-At least everything stays in the family.- Tzuyu said taking the coffee that Jihyo had prepared for her.

-She's not very experienced but she has the money. She needs guidance and I'm perfect for that.

-I imagine. Rather, what did you say to my sister? Yesterday she left early and this morning she didn't speak to me, not that we usually say hi, but she didn't even return my morning insult.

-You know how Jeongyeon is, she must be immersed in her business.

-Important matters, important business... Maybe she was thinking about your mother.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Can you stop with your absurd theories? Jihyo, I won't be back for lunch today.

-Has your cousin arrived yet?

-Yes and we will meet for lunch. You want to come?

Tzuyu shrugged. -I don't have to work today.

-Well, maybe you can find a home for her.

-Where did you say she came from?

-From Los Angeles. She took the first flight to New York and she's already here.

-When it comes to business they are all fast.- Tzuyu commented.

-Jihyo, we're going out.- Nayeon said standing up.

-Goodbye, ladies.

They left the apartment and entered the elevator. Tzuyu leaned against the wall as the ninety-seven floors descended.

-Isn't it strange that Minhyuk hasn't asked you to marry him yet? You've been together for a long time now.

-We don't have to get married to show that we love each other.

-But you've always dreamed of getting married.- Tzuyu said raising her back from the wall of the elevator.

The doors opened and the two girls went out. They said goodbye to the doorman and went to Nayeon's car, which had her own chauffeur.

-Good morning Richard, can you take me to Crown Shy?

-Sure, miss.

The two girls got into the back of the limousine and their journey began.

-So?- Tzuyu said.

-I don't understand why you are so obsessed with me and Minhyuk.

-I'm not obsessed, I just want you to be happy, Nay.

-At the moment I don't have time to think about a marriage or starting a family. Work is my priority.

-What type is your cousin?

-I don't know, I haven't seen her since I was seven years old.

-She's a Lee, it won't be bad.

They walked on in silence, then got out of the car and saw a girl in front of them.

-Nay! HI!

-Guess I was wrong...- Tzuyu commented.

-Hello... Sana.

-Isn't it great that from now on we'll be colleagues!?

Sana approached her cousin and held her tightly. Tzuyu grinned, knowing that her friend didn't like hugs at all. Nayeon smiled back with a fake smile because she knew she needed her money right now.

-Shall we enter?- Nayeon asked, pulling away.

-Sure. Are you Tzuyu?- she asked looking behind.

-Do we know each other?- asked the Latina.

-We met a couple of times when we were little. Let's go inside, today it's on me.

-Well... If that's the case...- Tzuyu said following the LA girl.

The three girls entered the restaurant and, led by a waiter, sat down at a table that Nayeon had reserved for them.

-So, little cousin, what do exactly you need?

-That you buy half of the family business.

-Sure, I can do it.

-But... You can't change anything.

-Of course, I won't do anything that you don't want. We will discuss and make decisions together.

-Perfect, then we'll agree on the contract tomorrow.

-Jeong, can you tell me where you are?- Minhyuk asked in exasperation.

-Try to guess...

-Stop being mysterious. Are you at the usual club?


-Wait for me, I'm coming.

-Who goes away.

Jeongyeon hung up and drank her mojito in the company of the girl dressed in a top and miniskirt.

-So you run a company?

-It belonged to my mother and her best friend. My mother gave it to me.

-Uh, interesting.

-I guess you don't know much about business.

-I'm more interested in businessmen or businesswomen...

-Jeong!- Minhyuk yelled as he entered the club. -Already here at this hour?

-Why not? Want to join?

Minhyuk sat next to his friend. -Why did you suddenly leave yesterday?

-I was busy...

-What did you talk about with Nayeon?

-About business. Sorry, Corinne, can you leave us alone?

-Sure, see you later.- Corinne said standing up.

-Count on it.- Jeongyeon commented in a low voice as she drank her third glass of mojito.

-Is something wrong?- Minhyuk asked.

-Nothing new. We argued as always. She wanted to sell half of her company to a total stranger.

-She's not a stranger, she wanted to entrust it to my cousin.

Jeongyeon arched an eyebrow. -Your cousin? Why didn't she tell me?

-Evidently she didn't trust her enough. You know... Maybe it's time to take the plunge.

-Take the plunge? After what you did?- Jeongyeon gripped her glass. -I've covered your ass so far but you should tell her.

-Jeong, it was just a mistake. We were both drunk, you know.

-Ten months have passed and, after ten months, do you want to ask her to marry you?

-Why are you so interested in Nayeon all of a sudden?

-I don't care about her at all, I have to deal with her just because she's your girlfriend and my business partner. What interests me is that you played with the feelings of my sister, your girlfriend's best friend.

-We both wanted it and we both promised not to tell Nayeon. It's been a while, it was just a mistake.

Jeongyeon stood up and slammed her fist on the table. -For you it is a mistake! Tzuyu had feelings for you and you know it.

-Jeongyeon, please, Tzuyu and I have clarified ourselves. You don't want to make her lose her best friend, do you? Or maybe... Is that just what you want? You want to tell Nayeon everything to destroy her, to take revenge for whatever she said to you yesterday.

-Minhyuk, don't try to make me look like the bad guy now.

-What did you say to each other?

-The usual things. Your girlfriend is a loser, I want you to know that, but her boyfriend and her best friend are even worse.- She then turned to the girl behind the counter. -Jenette, leave everything on my account.- She looked at Minhyuk again. -See you soon.

It's too hot to even write on watts
I swear, I can't do anything
I touch the phone and it gets hot, the same for the computer

Business women|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now