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Nayeon had introduced D.O. some people, and while they were talking business, she had hung up with a couple of actress acquaintances.

-Sorry, I'll steal her from you for a moment.- Jeongyeon said taking her by the arm.

-Hey, Jeongyeon, how are you doing?- asked Flora, one of the two actresses.

-Well, I see the same for you.

And people called this "charisma"? It was pitiful. Yet the other girls didn't think like Nayeon. When the two moved away from the actresses and were in a more secluded area, they stopped.


-There will be a toast soon.

-Ah ah...

-That's the perfect time to show everyone that you too can't escape my charm.

Nayeon rolled her eyes.

-Can't you do anything else?

-What do you want me to do, Tzu?Seducing Jeongyeon to keep her from saying everything?- Tzuyu's smirk and raised eyebrows almost seemed to approve what was just a joke. -No, Tzu!

Nayeon shook her head to clear those thoughts from her head. -Don't talk to me before then.

-As you wish, princess.

-And don't call me that.- she said walking away.

-Okay, honey.

-Ah! I hate her!

Jeongyeon grinned with satisfaction. It looked like those two lived to annoy each other.

When D.O. turned around, he no longer saw Nayeon. He looked around her and saw her talking to Jeongyeon. He assumed it was business but was confused when he saw Nayeon walking away rather annoyed and Jeongyeon smiling satisfied.

-Nay.- he said when he saw her.

-Sorry, I went to talk to Jeongyeon.

-I saw that. Any problems?

-No. We talked about business.

-Sana! There's someone at the door!- Miyeon screamed.

-Go open!

-I opened. Come, it's for you.

The girl had half an idea of ​​who it might be, and when her thought was confirmed, she couldn't help but smile.

-Hey, what are you doing here?

-I was bored. Nay went to that event.

-Yes, she told me. I preferred not to go there but I contributed to the charity anyway. Come in, please.

-Thank you.

Tzuyu looked around. -I sold you a really nice apartment. A bit small for one person, isn't it?

-That's why Miyeon is here.- The Latina sat down in the rocking chair and watched Sana do the same on the sofa. -Do you want a coffee? Something to eat?

-No, I just want to get distracted and talk to someone about something. You know, I can't talk to Nayeon about it, she's the problem.- The girl from Los Angeles looked very focused. She looked at the other for her to continue. -We made quite a mess and I feel partially responsible for what I suggested.

-What have you done?

-We wanted to teach my sister a lesson but we went way beyond that. As you well know, she treats girls like objects and Miyeon was the straw that broke the camel's back. We thought about sending her a girl to break her heart but things got out of hand. Nayeon told me the girl in question was your employee. I don't know if you know her, Marilyn.

-No, I don't know who she is.

-It doesn't matter. I also met her together with Nayeon. She spent... I don't know... Five nights with Jeongyeon, and then told her that she was tired.

-Ah ah...

-Well... It seems that Jeongyeon was getting attached to this girl. She saw her as different from the others, maybe because she didn't give herself too easily, maybe because she was in control of herself and didn't fall at her feet like the others.

-Mh... So Jeongyeon liked her?

-I don't know to what extent she liked her but she was sad for a month. I had suggested to Nayeon to tell her the truth but she didn't want to. But then... A few days ago she confessed it to her and... Apparently I didn't know the whole truth either.

Sana furrowed her eyebrows. -In what sense?

-In the sense that Marilyn has never been with Jeongyeon.


-In the sense that the one who slept with Jeongyeon is Nayeon.

-Eh!? But... Doesn't she hate her? Wasn't she dating D.O.? I'm not understanding.

-I should talk more about this with Nay. She says she wanted to take revenge personally. The plan was for them to see each other about three times but then this "Marylin"...- She made the quotes in the air. -...Had decided to continue because she, apparently, liked it. Nayeon has completely lost her mind!

-Did she like Jeongyeon or the situation?

-I don't know yet. Well, that brings us to today. After Nayeon confessed it to her, Jeongyeon threatened her. She said she'll tell people what she did to her.


-But she decided to compromise with her. She won't say anything if Nayeon kisses her in front of everyone.

-I'm getting more and more confused.

-This brings us to another story. Jeongyeon had a girlfriend, Roseanne, and D.O. stole her. Jeong has always felt in competition with D.O. and this event was the straw that broke the camel's back. Stealing from him Nayeon is a kind of revenge.

-And Nayeon can't warn D.O.?

-What should she tell him? "While we were dating I f*cked Jeongyeon and now I have to kiss her to keep her from spreading it"?

-She can just tell him that it'a are matters between them.

Tzuyu shook her head. -I know my sister. She won't stop until she gets what she gets. Maybe she won't tell anyone but she sure will tell D.O. He would find out anyway.

-I couldn't help but listen to you.

-Miyeon! It's not polite!- Sana yelled.

-That concerns me too. She used me too. Okay... She told me it wouldn't be anything serious but at one point it seemed to me that she might like me.

-Well, even girls who deceive themselves aren't the best...- the Latina commented.

-We can buy Nayeon some time but you have to come up with a plan to avoid her ridiculing herself in front of everyone.- Miyeon said.

-Okay... And how do we buy her time?- Sana asked.

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