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Minhyuk hadn't told anyone about Jeongyeon's secret nor her plan. It was good for him too that D.O. disappeared from Nayeon's life. Minhyuk and Jeongyeon were exactly the same in this respect. And, as Jeongyeon already suspected, Miyeon's was just "a wrong test result".

Nayeon had taken the day off and left everything in Sana's hands. She was out shopping with Tzuyu and they were discussing what to do to avoid humiliation.

-I see no way out.- Nayeon said resignedly.

-There is one.

-No, Tzuyu, I won't throw away my dignity.

-Well, you already did, what's the difference?

-The difference is that before it was a revenge, now I would sell my body in exchange for something.

-There is no difference.

-Yes, there is!- Nayeon picked up the seventh dress in that shop. -Yes, it should work.

-Do you have a date with D.O.?

-You know what? I decided to take the plunge with D.O.

-Because you like him or to forget Jeongyeon?

-Because I like him! What questions!

Tzuyu saw an electric blue dress and thought it might be ideal for a date with Sana. She should have invited her out before anyone else arrived. From her sister, Nayeon and Minhyuk she had learned a lot.

-Fine, and where will you take him? I don't believe you, you still live with your mother.

-Today I'll have dinner with him. It will be simple.


D.O. was making spaghetti clams for Nayeon. He had said that he had learned some recipes and with this excuse he had invited her over. He heard a knock on the door and immediately took off her apron. He walked over to smooth his hair and opened.

-Hey...- Jeongyeon took off his wig and burst out laughing. -What are you doing here?- asked D.O. quite annoyed.

-I have something to tell you, I won't take up much of your time.

-What do you want?

-You know when Nayeon told you she was busy?

-Ah ah?

-Well, I don't know what excuses she gave you but I know where she was.

-Oh yes? Was she in any meeting with you?

-I would say something more intense than a meeting. She would rather have fun in my bed than be with you.

The boy gripped the handle. -I don't think so, Nayeon hates you, she keeps saying it.

-Well, ask her, and if she doesn't believe you, tell her that I have hotel surveillance footage to prove it, and if she doesn't tell you the truth, then I'll be forced to reveal it to the public. Have a nice dinner, D.O. Spaghetti with clams? Nayeon doesn't like them, she prefers the ones with mussels.

D.O. closed the door on her and tried to calm down. It must have been some ploy by Jeongyeon, who never liked him.

Did Nayeon really think she deceived Jeongyeon? That girl knew one more than hell. In that case, her informant had been Jihyo, who had told her that Nayeon was going to dinner at D.O.'s and what better evening to tell each other the truth than one closed at home?

Half an hour later, Nayeon showed up in front of the door, dressed in a top and cigarette pants. When she saw the face of D.O. she was confused. Had she made a mistake in matching something?


-Hey Nayeon, come in, I have to ask you something.- The girl nodded and entered. D.O. closed the door and sighed. -Let's sit on the sofa.- Once seated on the sofa, D.O. started tapping his fingers on his knees. -I'll go straight to the point: did you sleep with Jeongyeon?

Nayeon gulped. -Did she tell you?

-Exactly, she came a little while ago.

-Jeongyeon just wants to ruin my love life.

-She told me to tell you that she has videos to prove it and if you don't tell me the truth, she will show them around.

-Well... Actually it wasn't me sleeping with her, it was an employee of mine.

-Nayeon, I want to believe you, but it's such a strange situation. Are you sure you're telling me the truth? There must be no secrets between us. You already know I've been cheated on.

-Okay... I slept with Jeongyeon. But it was revenge!

-A revenge!? And you, to take revenge, go to bed with your partner!?


-Nayeon, it is exactly like my ex wife and my best friend. Look, it's a special situation...

-At least let me explain, even if I don't think you'll like it. I was with her in a false guise. I wanted to abandon her suddenly as she does with the others.

-I see that your plan didn't work. Now that it didn't work, don't you wonder why you did it? Doesn't it disgust you? Are not you ashamed?

The girl looked down. -Sorry, we were at the beginning.

-I wouldn't have been mad if you dated someone else while you were dating me. We were nothing, we are nothing, you had every right to do so. But sleeping with someone else, for whatever reason, while you're dating me? And lying to me... I can't forgive that, I'm sorry.

-No, I am sorry.

-Now I doubt that you have used me.

-No, it's not like that, believe me.

-Listen, I made pasta and mussels. Do you like it?

-It is my favourite.

-And pasta and clams? What do you think about it?

-I don't really like clams. Why-

-As I suspected. What if I told you I made pasta and clams?

-I'd eat it anyway.

-And if for some reason you can't eat pasta and mussels anymore, you would replace it with pasta and clams, wouldn't you?

-I don't understand-

-You don't like it? Isn't it like you used me to forget Jeongyeon?

they are finally about to break u- what a pity, they were so good together

🎶listening to love foolish

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