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-You what!?- Tzuyu yelled in the office. Nayeon tried to silence her with a glare but she didn't succeed. -First: why didn't he come looking for me?

-Because you're a year younger.

-But we knew each other anyway. I've always been Jeong's sister and your best friend. Two: why did you accept?

-To meet again an old friend?

-Friend? When exactly were you friends? You were classmates, nothing more. And you had a crush on him.

-A crush, nothing serious.

-I still don't understand how you preferred Minhyuk to D.O. Ah... Yeah... Jieun. But do you really think he only came for a reunion? Only with you?

-I'm not interested in embarking on a relationship at the moment.

-Oh no?- The Latina crossed her arms and looked at her friend on her chair for a few seconds. -Do you really think he came just to see you again? You were a hottie in high school, have a successful career, are still sexy, and he just randomly visits you? And the first thing he tells you is that he's divorced? And the second that he knows that between you and Minhyuk doesn't work either? And the third is a question to make sure there is nothing between you and Jeong? You're not stupid, you know exactly what you're doing, Nay. Why did you accept then?

-I don't have to give you any explanations.- the girl said moving her gaze to the computer.

-Do you still like him? After all these years?

-There is no denying that he is a handsome man. But I don't know... It's a difficult time.

-Because you broke up with Minhyuk?

-Also... You know... It's weird. We were best friends, I'm not saying we pretended all the time. There was something between us, just true love never blossomed. It was more... A kind of affection. And... I'm just confused. I have other things on my mind: there's the agency, the collaboration with Sana, Jeongyeon...

-Jeongyeon?- Tzuyu asked settling down on the chair.

-The question of Marilyn.

-Oh. For a moment I feared that-

-How disgusting! Don't even say that as a joke! What I want is for her to suffer like she made all those women suffer. Tsk.

-Good, and where will you meet?

Nayeon seemed to think about it. -Actually... We didn't talk about it.

-Do you at least have his number?-The girl shook her head. Tzuyu sighed. -Congratulations to both.


-Jeongyeon, why do you keep looking at the door?- Jennifer asked her.

-Nothing, darling.

-I'm taken.

-Not that I'm interested.

Another two hours passed but no one seemed to enter through that door, until a pink head was seen in the dim light.

-Good evening, could I have...

-A tequila, on the club.

-Oh... Jeongyeon, good evening.

-Good evening. I see you're back, you must have liked the place.

The girl smirked. -The place was to my liking. I bet to yours too.

-Not bad.

The girl took the tequila and looked Jeongyeon up and down. -You haven't drunk?

-Oh? I didn't really feel like it tonight.

-How come?

-Problems with business. I was thinking about what to do. And my best friend pesters me with paranoia about his ex.

-What kind of paranoia?- asked the girl knowing perfectly well that she was talking about Minhyuk and Nayeon.

-Some guy her ex had a crush on has reappeared, apparently.

-Oh. I understand.

-Honestly, that guy would just do me a favor if he took her to Korea. So? What's up tonight, Cotton Candy?

-I don't know... You guide me.

-I have another room to show you for tonight.


Nayeon lay exhausted on her bed. It had been a tiring day and the only good news she had was that the plan against Jeongyeon was working. Marilyn, however, would not be there for a couple of days, so they would have to stop the meetings. In reality, Nayeon wanted Jeongyeon to look for her and never find her again. She hoped to succeed in her intent.

Marilyn, meanwhile, wanted to follow the plan perfectly, but she had to admit that Jeongyeon wasn't bad in bed and she didn't mind continuing for at least three more meetings. Maybe she wasn't so much a fan of that plan anymore, but on the other hand she was also used by Jeongyeon five years before, she wanted revenge, that's why she decided to give Nayeon her cooperation. Still, her heart was conflicted. Revenge mingled with the power of pleasure. She shook her head and closed her eyes to sleep peacefully after that long night at Jeongyeon's hotel.

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