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-I say, are you crazy by any chance!? Did you tell Jeongyeon!? The same Jeongyeon who would do anything to make Nayeon suffer?- Tzuyu yelled walking back and forth. -And then what is this story that I like you?

-You made her believe it when you preferred to make her believe you were spying on me and not the Muller just because Jeong can't stand her.

-Right... I forgot. But why did you say that you slept with me and not with her secretary!?

-I didn't want to get Rachel fired. If Jieun found out... Nayeon is her daughter and I cheated on her.

-So you put me in the sh*t? Her best friend? And how is it that suddenly no one remembers that I'm a lesbian?

-You are the perfect excuse: you are Jeongyeon's sister, she would never have put you in trouble, so I would have come out clean too. Besides, you had already lied about liking me.

-We dug our grave together. Minhyuk, I'll be honest with you, I was going to tell Nay this morning that you cheated on her.

-What's wrong with you Yoo!? Did you two make a deal?

-I can't keep lying to my best friend.

-It's not about lying, it's about omitting the truth.- Minhyuk said looking straight into her eyes. -And don't ruin my plans like your sister. I'm going to ask her to marry me.

-Why? To take her assets?- asked the Latina crossing her arms across her chest.

-No, because I love her. Don't question my feelings.

-Minhyuk, this morning we talked about it and she told me that she is not ready to start a family. Getting married has always been her dream. Have you ever thought that maybe she's not really in love with you?

The boy chuckled. -What is it? Have you all turned against me?

-As her best friend, I'll be honest: she likes you, even a lot, but she's not in love enough to give up her company for you.

-I don't want her to.

-I don't know if you understand me ... You know that Nay has never fallen in love, that she... She can't. Instead of proposing to her, try to make her fall in love with you.

-Why are you so apprehensive today?

Tzuyu frowned and moved closer to his face. -Tell it around and I'll cut that thing down there that makes you the little man you are.

-So I just have to attend meetings and sign documents? Is this what you do?

-We must also have new ideas, propose them, select those of the employees...

-Is this really what you want to do for the rest of your life?- Sana asked her.

Nayeon raised an eyebrow. -What exactly would you like to do?

-I run a clothing company in Los Angeles and also work at the main store.

-Good for you. Can we go now? I have an appointment with my mother.

-Oh auntie. Can I come too?

-You know... Her collaborator will also be there and she... She doesn't really like surprises.

-It's a business meeting, isn't it? You can introduce me as your new partner.

-Future partner.

-It's the same. So? Let's go?

Nayeon sighed. -If she insults you all the time it's not my fault.

The girls grabbed their bags and walked out of Nayeon's studio. They said goodbye to the secretary, Kitty, and entered the lift. Without Nayeon asking her, Sana she began to describe what it was like to work in her shop and the various items of clothing she sold. Her cousin didn't even pretend to be interested. She just stared out the window the whole way.

-Ladies, we have arrived.- Richard told them.

-Thank goodness!- Nayeon exclaimed since she was fed up with that "annoying voice".

Richard opened the door for them and the girls put their heels on the street in front of Jieun's favorite restaurant.

-Nice place...- Sana said observing it.

-Hurry up, they're waiting for us inside.

Sana followed her cousin who had already entered and saw her aunt and a girl at her table.

-Sana!- Jieun exclaimed standing up.

The girl didn't get too much trouble and hugged her aunt.

-Miss Im.- Jeongyeon said to greet Nayeon.


-Yoo?- Sana asked. -Is she Tzuyu and Kyungwan's cousin or what?

-It's her... Kyungwan...- Nayeon said.

-And I will always be only Kyungwan.-Jeongyeon commented bitterly in a low voice. -Do we know each other?she asked Sana.

-Do not you remember me? I'm Sana, Nayeon's cousin.

-I have a vague memory. Are you the little girl who used to dress up as a lollipop?

-Mine is a Japanese style!

-What do you want, why is she here?- she asked turning to Jieun.

-She's my new partner.- Nayeon said frowning.

Jeongyeon grinned. -Your new partner, huh? Let's see how long she lasts.

The four sat down and Sana approached Nayeon. -You're right, she's worse than I thought.

-Today we are here to talk about the hotel chain I manage.- Jeongyeon said; Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Someone, in addition to choosing a partner without consulting us, has also decided not to supply us with cars anymore.

-Tsk. I don't have to. It is you who depend on me.

-There is a contract, Miss Im.

-You know what, Jeongyeon? Swallow the contract.

-Nayeon!- Jieun yelled-whispered.

-I've managed my brand and dad's car company by myself so far, why can't I decide whether to send you towels, bathrobes or cars?

-Nayeon, you signed a contract with us, don't be immature.

-Oh please. Jeongyeon is using this useless excuse of cars to make us fight.- the girl said crossing her arms over her chest.

-And you don't want to send me cars anymore because I made Minhyuk come with me to a night club last Friday.

-Who is Minhyuk?- Sana asked fearfully.

-My boyfriend.

-You shouldn't be mad at me as much as you should at your best friend.

-Even turn me against your sister?Congratulations.

-Ask her what they did ten months ago. Excuse me Jieun, goodbye Sana.

The girl got up and left the three family members alone.

Next year I'm going to see Taylor with my sister
Cruel summer live is a must
The song that made me know and love Taylor

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