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Nayeon and Jeongyeon had been together for three months now and after Fashion Week the articles were constantly talking about them. Some said they didn't expect it, others said they already knew.

-Ma'am, Jeongyeon has been inside for hours now. Shouldn't the operation be over already?

-Miss, stay calm. I haven't heard anything yet.

-You move and get informed!

-Nay.- Tzuyu joined her. -I'm sure she's fine.

-Tzu, the operation should have already been finished. By now she should be in her room and me next to her telling her that she did the right thing.

-Jeongyeon is fine, I'm sure of it.- she said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

-Yes, Jeong is the strongest person we know.- Minhyuk told her.

-She's strong my ass! It doesn't have anything to do with it! It's not up to her!

A nurse came out of the surgery department. -Jeongyeon Yoo's family?

-Here, I'm her girlfriend.- Nayeon said immediately stepping forward.

-The operation was a success.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, along with Tzuyu and Minhyuk.

-When will I be able to see her?

-We'll wait for her to recover and let you in.


Nayeon entered the hospital room, Jeongyeon had just opened her eyes.

-Jeong, how are you? You have no idea how worried I was about general anesthesia.

The girl looked at her confused. -What do you want, Im?

Nayeon stood there looking at her. -Jeongyeon... You don't... Remember?

-No, I was just teasing you.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Even after waking up from anesthesia you're like this... Ah... How can you make fun of me when I was worried about you!?

Jeongyeon chuckled. -Come here... Now we won't be able to f*ck for a while.

-Is it possible that you only think about that!?

-Said the one who the day before my operation threw me everywhere because we won't be able to do anything for some time.

-Tsk. How do you feel?

-Well. Why don't you take a look?- Nayeon moved closer and raised the sheet, observing the area that had just been operated on. She examined it carefully. -Do you like it?

Nayeon blushed. -Yah!

-I am finally a woman.

Nayeon lowered the sheet. -You always have been.- she told her, looking into her eyes.

-Are we interrupting something!?- Minhyuk exclaimed as he entered.

-Don't scream!- Tzuyu told him.

-How are you? Do you remember me? I'm Minhyuk. Min Hyuk.

-I hope for your sake that you forgot.- commented the Latina. -Then? Do you remember everything?


-So you also remember that you owe me a thousand dollars? No? I tried.

-I'm so happy to have you all here.

-The anesthesia has gone to her head.- said her sister.

-No, Tzu, really.

-You still owe me a new bed.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon looked at each other and smiled at the thought of their first time together.

-You are the only ones who have always been by my side, even when I treated you badly. Especially you, my love.- she said, shaking her hand.

-Bleah.- commented Tzuyu.

-I'm so happy for you, Jeong.- Minhyuk told her sincerely. -I love you.

-He only says it because he broke the coffee machine.

-You what!?- Jeongyeon shouted.

-Don't force yourself.- Nayeon told her. -Minhyuk!

-Stuff that happens?

-Come on, let's go out, leave the lovebirds alone.- said Tzuyu as she left.

Minhyuk waved goodbye to Jeongyeon and left.

-Ah... Those two...- Nayeon said laughing.

-I'm so happy to have you, all four.- Jeongyeon said smiling, caressing the girl's belly.

Nayeon placed her hand on Jeongyeon's and closed her eyes. -I was afraid he would be left without a mother.

Jeongyeon shook her head. -I would never have left you alone. And leave you with that incompetent Minhyuk and my sister!?

Nayeon began to cry. -I was happy for you but I was really scared.

-No, don't cry. Now I'm here. We are together, all three of us.

-Yes I know.

-Then stop crying.

-I would like! But I can't stop!

-Bring me back the anesthesia! I don't want to suffer a pregnant woman for nine months!- Jeongyeon shouted.

-You wanted it!- replied Tzuyu.

-Ah! I knew you were listening to us!- Jeongyeon retorted.

-F*ck, they discovered us!- Minhyuk exclaimed as he re-entered the room with Tzuyu.

It's not the end because their lives continued for a long time, but it is the end of what I decided to tell you about these two business women who went from enemies to lovers.

The end

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